Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Fair Day on Saturday The exciting prospect of a May Lanesboro Fair Day is almost upon us. The two day festival organised by the hard working Fair committee takes place in Lanesboro On Saturday and…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 20th April 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Death On Tuesday last 14th April the entire area was saddened to learn of the death at Tullamore Hospital of Peter Hanly, Lehery. Pee as he was most commonly known had been sick for two years.…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 13th April 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes New Sisters Bistro Two sisters have recently taken over the Bsnug restaurant on Main Street and are presently making their adjustments to it in preparation for its grand opening on Friday next 17th April. Sister’s Mary O’Loughlin…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 6th April 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Robbery Holy Thursday evening is an evening that we can all recall vividly. Work was finished for the majority of people for the Easter weekend, and a large number were preparing to go to service in St.…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 30th March 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Holy Week Ceremonies The following are the list of Holy Week ceremonies at Lanesboro, Ballyleague and Cashel churches: Lanesboro – Holy Thursday 7.30pm, Good Friday there will be two ceremonies at 3pm and 7.30pm, Holy Saturday 7.30pm,…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 23rd March 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Be Prepared! Do not get caught out next weekend. On Saturday night we will see the end of Winter Time and clocks will go forward one hour – sleep on Saturday night will be shorter. We look…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 16th March 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Rubbish Strewn at Clonbonny The next time you visit Clonbonny, be it for a walk, to visit the cemetery or to attend training or a match walk onto the bridge and look back up towards the bog.…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 9th March 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Robberies during Burial On Thursday last during the burial of one of our oldest and most loved citizens a vile deed was visited upon two cars in the vicinity of Cloontuskert cemetery. A brazen thief or thieves…
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 2nd March 2015
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Play, this Saturday night A play, Padraig Potts Guide to Walking, written and performed by the highly acclaimed Seamus O’Rourke will be staged in Lanesboro Parish Hall on this coming Saturday night 7th March at 8.30pm.…