Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 2nd March 2015

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes   Play, this Saturday night A play, Padraig Potts Guide to Walking, written and performed by the highly acclaimed Seamus O’Rourke will be staged in Lanesboro Parish Hall on this coming Saturday night 7th March at 8.30pm.…

Lanesboro Ballyleague Monday 23rd February 2015

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes St. Patrick’s Day Launch The Lanesboro/Ballyleague St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be officially launched in Clarke’s bar on this Friday night 27th February at 9pm. It is hoped that there will be a great number from all…

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 2nd February 2015

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes   New Bishop On, today, Monday, Pope Francis made the appointment of Fr Alphonsus Cullinan, parish priest of Rathkeale, Co. Limerick as the new Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. The appointment of Fr. Alphonsus has created great…

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 19th January 2015

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes What is happening? On Thursday 11th September 2014 Dr. Joe Caffrey of the Inland Fisheries discovered the invasive species Asian Clams in the hot water stretch. Emergency meetings were called immediately with all concerned bodies and agencies.…