Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 19th November 2018

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Fermoyle NS Parents Association Fermoyle National School Parents Association will hold their annual Church Gate collection next weekend Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th November at all masses. Your usual generous contributions will be greatly appreciated. Shannon Gaels…

Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 12th November 2018

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Mass for Deceased Green residents Mass for the deceased residents of the Green and Doireaghan will be celebrated, by Fr. Michael, on Thursday next 15th at 10.00am in St. Mary’s Church. As usual refreshments, generously sponsored by…

Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 8th October 2018

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Rathcline and Recipes The subcommittee organising the Rathcline GAA Annual ‘Cake Fare’ on Sunday 9th December in St. Marys Parish Hall is seeking your help in collecting recipes you may have and would like to share them.…

Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 1st October 2018

Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Wonderful weekend ahead Below you will read of two magnificent events happening in Lanesboro over the weekend that will bring many visitors to Lanesboro. The excellent Tidy Towns results of last week (see below) highlighted the tremendous…