Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Ballyleague NS Twins Ballyleague National School has the unique distinction of having six sets of twins attending their school. Pictured above are Katie & Emma in 6th Class, Caolan & Oisín in 3rd Class, Jamie & Abbie…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 29th November 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Laying of new water pipe Any of those that regularly use the Rathcline Road will attest the amount of water bursts along that road especially over the past year or two. For too long Eugene Kelly has…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 22nd November 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes LCC Enrolment All applications to the First Year Group in Lanesboro Community College are now being accepted. please visit our school website and home page for relevant links. Please do not hesitate to contact the college for any further…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 15th November 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Death Sadness abounded when the news broke of the death at the Regional Hospital, Tullamore on Friday 5th November of Josephine Donlon, Lehery. Josie as she was best known was a native of Newtowncashel, was predeceased by…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 8th November 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Death There was much sadness when the news broke on Saturday 30th October at Portiuncula University Hospital, Ballinasloe of Pat Higgins, Church View. Pat, a native of Ardagh, along with his late wife Anne came to live…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 1st November 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Try-a-Dive The value of having the Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club in our community cannot ever be underestimated. Their work is fabulous and their commitment is immense. The club is always looking to attract new divers and…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 25th October 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes County Champions Sunday afternoon last proved to be an awful day for football with heavy and consistent rain falling before and during the Roscommon Intermediate Final between St. Faithleach’s and St. Dominick’s. The pundits had called this…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 18th October 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Death It was with great sadness we learned of the death on Monday last 11th October at Portiuncla Hospital, Ballinasloe of Sr. Evelyn Moran a nun in the Mercy Community. Sr. Evelyn was pre-deceased by her parents…
Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 11th October 2021
Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Ballyleague NS Twins Ballyleague National School has the unique distinction of having six sets of twins attending their school. Pictured above are Katie & Emma in 6th Class, Caolan & Oisín in 3rd Class, Jamie & Abbie…