Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 24th February 2025

Lanesboro Ballyleague notes


The loss of a local iconic figure brought the entire area to a standstill when the news broke on Tuesday 18th February last of the death at Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe, of Harry McGann, Ballyleague. Harry was predeceased by his sons Billy and John, his sister Maura just three weeks ago and his brothers Padraig, Liam and Michael. He was a native of Ballymahon and renowned for his prowess on the football field with his native Ballymahon and the Longford county team in some of their great days of the 50’s, he was also known to try his hand with a no little success at rugby at a time it was frowned upon within the GAA and in later years he became very proficient in the game of golf. Harry and his wife Patricia arrived and they set up their home in Ballyleague when he was appointed manager at the power station in Lanesboro via a circuitous route taking him from Newcastle (England) to Cork, Rhode and Ferbane. He had a reputation of being a man of great integrity, a superb and fair manager in the power station with an acknowledged unlimited loyalty to all his staff. Harry was a very intelligent, articulate and well-read man with a fantastic attention to detail whether in the written or spoken word or in the workings of the station but what he really loved most was the company and achievements of his family and he took great pride in all their successes. Throughout my parents and my time and he was an exceptional family friend, confidant, advisor and loyal customer – he never missed a day coming into the shop for his Irish Times. His daily chat, wit and banter with all that came into the shop will always be fondly remembered. Harry had a great pride of place in his adopted home of Ballyleague and Lanesboro. He wanted the best for the community and he was always very encouraging to everyone young and old to be the very best they could be in no matter what they were doing. Harry has left an indelible mark in not only our community and the wider community and we benefited greatly and richly by his presence. He will be sadly missed by everyone that knew him and our hearts are very heavy at his passing but his memory leaves us with a lasting legacy that will live on and on as soon as we think of or someone mentions the name Harry McGann.

His remains reposed at Smyth’s Funeral Home on Thursday last before he was brought to the Church of the Holy Rosary, Ballyleague. On Friday following his Funeral Mass he was laid to rest in Cloontuskert Cemetery. To his wife Patricia, his sons Martin, Tom and Mark, his brother Frank, daughter-in-lay Kay, grandchildren, great grandchildren we extend our deepest sympathy.

Excitement of the Hunt

Longford Harriers brought great excitement to Lanesboro on Saturday last when then they gathered to commence their hunt. Led out by the hunt master and the pack of hounds it was indeed a sight to behold as they headed for the fields of the parish. The hunt started and finished on the road leading to St. John’s Church and Lanesboro Primary school, a most appropriate place as it offered a lot of parking for the horseboxes and for onlookers to view the horses and hounds. The day proved to be perfect following the morning rain with bright sunshine beaming down on the large number of horses and hounds. The hunt traversed a large part of the parish taking in Knock, Ballymahon Rd., Gurteengar, Lehery, Killinure, Lisrevagh and Rathcline before return back to Lanesboro. Outside the home of the late Ollie and Elizabeth Fleming the hunt stopped and paused for a few minutes to pay their respects as Ollie was a leading member of Longford Harriers for many years.

It has been a long time since we had a hunt coming into town and it was just wonderful to see so many people viewing the horses that created an added excitement. Seeing so many horses in town would make you yearn for the return of the traditional ‘Fair Day of Lanesboro’ that attracted so many horses each year and created a wonderful atmosphere.

(See attachment where some of those participating are returning back to their base.)

Phoenix Park History – local link

The recently published hardcover book The Phoenix Park that is an illustrated history of its landscape and management 1880-1980 written by John A. McCullen provides an exceptional insight and in-depth history of the Phoenix Park over the 100 year period. That 100 year period showed a seismic change in the events and the running of the Park and John A. McCullen’s mammoth work is not only fascinating but an essential work in detailing to everyone all the activities in the Phoenix Park. To me, the state owes him a great deal of gratitude for this fascinating book and his previous book ‘An illustrated history of the Phoenix Park; Landscape and management to 1880’.

Reading Chapter 9 – The Military and War Years I came across where the then Taoiseach Éamon de Velera announced in 1941 that in an effort to secure Ireland’s fuel supplies that 3,000,000 tonnes of turf would be needed hence the creation of special trains to transport turf to the Phoenix Park with this area, naturally, being one of the supplying areas.

Included in the 2800 lorries, including 500 lorries and tractors supplying the turf to the Phoenix Park was the very first Ford Ferguson System tractor (see photo) to be registered in County Longford (1940). Ford started making this version in 1939 and made this tractor unique in the county if not in the country. The proud owner of the tractor was Brian Carbury, 15 Derryhaun who later went to live in Rathcline. We fondly remember the very popular Carbury family of Brian and Annie (Nan), and children Marie, Philomena, Kathleen, Johnny, Barney, Celine and Padraig.

The drawing of so much turf led to 30-feet high reeks on either side of Chesterfield Road and coal dumps were also formed on the Fifteen Acres and timber dumps in other areas. (See photo).

Michael Carroll Memorial Ceili

A Ceilí will be held in St. Marys Hall Lanesboro on Sunday 9th March from 3pm to 6pm. Music by the hugely popular Rise the Dust.

The Ceilí is to remember Michael who loved his dancing and was an avid Ceili goer, and all the deceased dancers from the Lanesboro group.

The evening is in aid of county Longford Hospice Homecare.

Tea will be served during the Ceili and we invite all dancers and all non-dancers to come along, have a cup of tea, listen or dance to the music and please give a donation to a very worthy cause.

Harry’s Comic

Local Cloonadra and Cloontuskert National School student Harry Kenny has just published the latest edition of his comic Pizza Boy. This is a tremendous feat for one so young to be creating his unique and very own comic. Well done again Harry. The comic can be bought in O’Brien’s for just €1.

Lanesboro/Rathcline Community Games

The name says it all! The community of Lanesboro/Rathcline invites every resident with young people to play their part in encouraging their young people to take part in the Community Games. Lanesboro/Rathcline has a very successful and proud history in the Community Games and it would be great to see our new generation creating their very own piece of history for themselves, their families and Lanesboro/Rathcline. Please be a part of one of the greatest community events in our parish.

Lanesboro Community Games 2025-Registration & AGM
Registration for the 2025 Lanesboro Community Games will take place on this Wednesday 26th February at 8:00p.m. in the Parish Hub.

Registration must be completed before participating in any event at the cost of €5 registration fee per child.
This year, Community Games have a wide variety of exciting events for all ages, including:

• Swimming
• Art
• Handwriting
• Model Making
• Athletics & field events
• Hurling
• Gaelic
• Talent Show

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will follow the registration on the 26th.

The committee is looking forward to seeing you there and hope that all of your Lanesboro children will be getting involved in these fantastic community events!


We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the extended Farrell and Fallon families Carrowstrawley and Lismacmanus on the death of Kathleen Dunphy, Clane on Sunday 16th February. Kathleen was the last of the generation of that Fayne family and she was aunt of Deirdre (nee Shea), Marie, Antoinette and Yvonne (nee Fallon).

Church Gate Collection

The Parents Association of Lanesboro Primary School will be holding a Church Gate collection at 6.30pm Mass   on Saturday 1st March and at 11am mass on Sunday 2nd March.The collection is to raise much needed funds for the school and your generosity will be greatly appreciated.

Defibrillator Course

Ballagh/Curraghroe defibrillator committee would like to invite anyone in the Kilgefin parish to complete a defibrillator course and if they could contact Danny Cox 086 8142112 or Jean Fallon 086 8320019 to be added for the course. The list, for this vital and potential lifesaving ability, will be compiled with your support over the coming weeks. 

Great Athletic Weekend

Lough Ree Athletic Club once again showed their prowess at the recent Connacht Indoors under 12 to senior championship finals in Athlone. It is amazing that as small a club as the Lough Ree AC has since its inception been able to roll out outstanding talented prospects as well as champions at provincial and national level. A very well done to all the young people the club coaches and executive and all the parents that continue to show great loyalty to the club.
Well done to all our athletes that took part in the Connaught Indoors at the Arena in TUS Athlone and a special thank you to all the parents who brought their athletes along and spent the day at the side of the track to represent our club.
Congratulations to Day 1 competitors Andrew Nolan (u14) who won gold in the Shot  Putt with a new Connaught Record of 14.01 metres beating a long standing previous record and Tadhg Shea (U13) who finished 4th in Long Jump.  Both are qualifiers for the next round and they will be heading to the National competitions in a few weeks.  On Day 2 James Carroll participating in only his second competition narrowly missed out on qualification for Nationals but threw a personal best in the Boys Under 16 Shot Putt.  Well done to Oisín Dillon Longford AC on taking a silver medal in the Under 16 800 metres, a great performance in a tough event.  Training continues to take place in Kenagh every Tuesday and at the track on Saturday.

Fleadh Cheoil entries

Closing date for entries to Fleadh Cheoil Ros Comáin competitions are Wednesday 5th March. Entry forms can be obtained by emailing or by logging into Comhaltas Ros Comáin Facebook page. The Roscommon Fleadh will be held in Athlone on Easter Monday, 21st April


We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Dolores McCabe, Church View, and her family on the death on Wednesday 12th February of her brother Peter Faulkner, Kilconnell, Ballinasloe. Peter was laid to rest on Saturday following his Funeral Mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Kilconnell.

Jack & Ali Dog Grooming 

A new dog grooming business has been set up in the Lanesboro area. The business will be catering for all dog breeds big and small. Level 3 Diploma in dog grooming & animal Welfare.  To make your booking you are invited to call / WhatsApp 087 1640541

Clothes Collection

Ballyleague National School would be extremely grateful if you could donate old clothes, bed linen etc. to their upcoming collection. You are invited to drop the items, bagged, at the door of the Ballyleague N.S.  within school hours any day before this Friday 28th February.

Lanesboro/Rathcline Community Games

The name says it all! The community of Lanesboro/Rathcline invites every resident with young people to play their part in encouraging their young people to take part in the Community Games. Lanesboro/Rathcline has a very successful and proud history in the Community Games and it would be great to see our new generation creating their very own piece of history for themselves, their families and Lanesboro/Rathcline. Please be a part of one of the greatest community events in our parish.

Lanesboro Community Games 2025-Registration & AGM
Registration for the 2025 Lanesboro Community Games will take place on this Wednesday 26th February at 8:00p.m. in the Parish Hub.

Registration must be completed before participating in any event at the cost of €5 registration fee per child.
This year, Community Games have a wide variety of exciting events for all ages, including:

• Swimming
• Art
• Handwriting
• Model Making
• Athletics & field events
• Hurling
• Gaelic
• Talent Show

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will follow the registration on the 26th.

The committee is looking forward to seeing you there and hope that all of your Lanesboro children will be getting involved in these fantastic community events!

Lanesboro/Rathcline Community Games

The name says it all! The community of Lanesboro/Rathcline invites every resident with young people to play their part in encouraging their young people to take part in the Community Games. Lanesboro/Rathcline has a very successful and proud history in the Community Games and it would be great to see our new generation creating their very own piece of history for themselves, their families and Lanesboro/Rathcline. Please be a part of one of the greatest community events in our parish.

Lanesboro Community Games 2025-Registration & AGM
Registration for the 2025 Lanesboro Community Games will take place on this Wednesday 26th February at 8:00p.m. in the Parish Hub.

Registration must be completed before participating in any event at the cost of €5 registration fee per child.
This year, Community Games have a wide variety of exciting events for all ages, including:

• Swimming
• Art
• Handwriting
• Model Making
• Athletics & field events
• Hurling
• Gaelic
• Talent Show

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will follow the registration on the 26th.

The committee is looking forward to seeing you there and hope that all of your Lanesboro children will be getting involved in these fantastic community events!

Annual Drama

The annual presentation by the Newtowncashel Drama Group will take place in ‘The Hill’ Newtowncashel will take place on this coming weekend, Friday 28th February, Saturday 1st  March and Sunday 2nd March. The play they are presenting this year is ‘Unforgiven’ written by John McDwyer. You must call on the booking line 087 3804481 to reserve your seat. Tickets are priced at €10 for adults and €5 for primary school children.

Updated St. Patrick Day Parade News

Your support for the Lanesboro/Ballyleague St. Patrick’s Day Parade has always been exceptional and it is through your incredible support that once again the committee can feel confident of another great day in Lanesboro and Ballyleague. Once again the committee will welcome thousands to the streets to celebrate the Parade and there is no doubt but many clubs, businesses and organisations will once contribute to making the parade the best in the wider area.

Donations: Without the support of the many donors and businesses the St. Patrick’s Day Parade would not be possible and once again your incredible and loyal generosity and once again it is called upon and it would be very welcome. Donations of €60 is sought to help contribute towards the organising of the Parade. Donations should be made directly to Freda Connaughton, Longford road or left in O’Brien’s in an envelope with your name on it. Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Draw: Your support and generosity is once again being called upon to help defray the cost of staging the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Books of tickets costing €5 for a book of 3 are now on sale locally and in O’Brien’s for the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade draw. This draw is vital to the committee in helping to finance the rising costs of providing a spectacular day in Ballyleague and Lanesboro. Your support has always been exceptional and this year there is a greater need for greater success due to the rising costs of proving for the day.

Entry Forms: Entry forms are now available from Teresa Costello, Freda Connaughton or from O’Brien’s Shop. Completed forms can be returned to O’Brien’s for collection. Entry into the best parade in the midlands is just €30

Floats: As I write St. Patrick’s Day is just 21 days away and the countdown is now seriously on. It is now the time to be looking forward and preparing for our local St. Patrick’s Day Parade and help make it bigger and better than ever this year. As 2025 is quarter way through the century we should be making a great effort for this milestone year. Let’s hope that all business, community groups and schools do make a big big effort and make the St. Patrick’s Day parade the biggest and best yet.

Lanesboro Triathlon News

Membership: The membership for the year 2025 at the Lanesboro Triathlon club is now opened. Each year our local triathlon club offers so much competition, comradery and enthusiastic support for all its members. The club continues to attract many new members and it is always encouraging and exciting to see the many new members develop their strength early on for the three disciplines.

Two Provinces Sprint Triathlon: Entries are now open for the 2025 Two Provinces Sprint Triathlon. The event of the year in Lanesboro and Ballyleague will take place on Saturday 12th July.

Training: The club is offering signed up members a weekly training schedule: Monday – coached swimming, Tuesday – Strength & Conditioning, Wednesday – Coached Turbo (indoor bike), Thursday – Coached Running, Friday – rest day, Saturday – Long Run and Sunday – Club Group Cycle.

Tidy Towns Lottery

Every week, on a Tuesday, the draw takes place in O’Brien’s shop at around 10.30am.

The benefit to the committee of your support is shown all year around with the wonderful work of the Community Enterprise team as they continue to enhance our town even during the dreariest of the weather. Your excellent support for the Tidy Town lottery envelopes every week is a great boost to the committee and the workers.

Your continued support is a great encouragement to the committee who can plot and plan greater improvements in and around the town. The next draw takes place for the €15,000 on this Tuesday 25th February.

The brown envelopes cost €2 each or you can buy 3 envelopes for just €5.

We would like to encourage everyone in the community to join in the playing of this very vital weekly draw. Tickets are on sale throughout the town. 

Last week’s lottery draw took place in O’Brien’s on Tuesday 18th February for the jackpot of €15,000. The numbers drawn were 3, 10, 12 and 21. There was nobody with the good fortune to have the correct four numbers drawn out and the jackpot of €15,000 remained for the next draw on 18th February. The winner of the €50 prize was Michael Greene, The Green,  and the three €20 prize winners were won by Sean & David Cox, Bogwood c/o Mags, Michael Kelly, Colehill, c/o O’Brien’s, and Melissa O’Donoghue, Curraghrua. The draw, as usual, will take place in O’Brien’s on Tuesday morning next.

Weekly Card Game

The results of Sunday night 23rd February game held in the Parish was in 1st Pat Joe Fallon & Tom Nohilly, 2nd Tom Rock & Tommy Fox. Last game winners were Jim and Kitty. Raffle winners were Anne, Freda Connaughton,  Tom Rock and Niall Hughes

New card players will always be welcome. Light refreshments are always served.

All card players are reminded that there is a 25 partners game in the Local pub, Newtowncashel every Monday night at 8.30 pm sharp with proceeds after prizes going to Cancer Care. Your support would be appreciated.

Primary School Enrolment

Lanesborough Primary School is now accepting enrolments for September 2025. Enrolment applications are available from the school. Please contact the school on the following email address: smgslb2020@gmail.comm  or by phone at 043 3321545.
At Lanesborough Primary School, we are dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive environment where every child feels valued, supported and empowered to reach their full potential.  
We pride ourselves on fostering an atmosphere of happiness and positivity where children feel safe to explore, learn and grow.  The talented and caring staff works tirelessly to ensure that every child is given the tools and encouragement they need to succeed academically, socially and emotionally.
We are proud of our vibrant school community, where inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do.  We celebrate diversity in all its forms and ensure that all children feel respected and supported as they navigate their educational journey.  Join us and discover the exciting opportunities awaiting your child here in Lanesborough Primary School. 

Come Follow Me

Parents and grandparents of 7 to 11 year old children are invited to a short presentation in the Parish Hub on Wednesday 19th March. The presentation will last for one hour and it will commence at 7pm. ‘Come Follow Me’ is a new movement taking root in Ireland – it is a parish/home based programme to help children grow in faith.

Ballyleague NS Enrolment

There will be an Open Evening for parents and guardians who wish to enrol their child for September 2025 and you are warmly welcome to come along and visit the school on Wednesday 26th February from 6.30 to 7.30pm. You will be able to meet the school teaching and assisting team and have a tour of the well-resourced teaching and learning facilities. Alternatively, Admission Forms can be downloaded from the school website: or request by email: or phone 043 33 21906.

Coaching for game of 25

There was a great response to the new initiative of coaching for new players or those who want to refresh their game skills of 25 in St. Faithleach’s clubhouse. Training will continue every Tuesday night at 8.30pm. This is separate from the regular game and everyone is welcome to go along and enjoy the casual learning the skills of 25.

Search for a Star

The Rathcline fundraiser ‘Search for a Star’ proved to be a wonderful night of entertainment. The full programme of the night was captured in video and now you can avail of a wonderful night in the comfort of your own home as the club have USB’s on sale of the show. The USB’s are available in O’Brien’s at a cost of €15.

Roscommon Community Challenge 2025

Interest and excitement are mounting as there are less than 2 weeks to go until the 2025 Roscommon Community Challenge. This promises to be a great weekend of activity in and around Roscommon Town. The fun starts on Friday 7th March with a choice of either an 8km or 5 km timed Moonlight Walk or run, starting at 8pm sharp from Roscommon Community Sports Park, Lisnamult.

On Saturday morning 8th March, we welcome back our lovely Cycle Challenge. This will start at 9am and will see cyclists wind their way through 70km of Roscommon and East Galway scenery. A short stop midway, hot refreshments and showers on your return are all included in the price of entering. Proceeds from the event will go to Roscommon Community Sports Park and Roscommon Special Olympics, This Club provides yearlong activities and sports for children and adults with special and additional needs. It is a thriving Club with almost sixty members.

The links to register for this event is as follows: Cycle:


Organisers are looking forward to welcoming you to the start line and express their gratitude for all the support they have received over the last while. For further information please contact Jacqui on 0861721181

Rathcline 50/50 

The draw for the club 50/50 draw took place on Monday night last 17th February. The winning pool amounted to a wonderful €632. The outcome of the draw proved to be a local man Peter Donlon, Lisrevagh. As usual the winning cheque can always be collected in O’Brien’s.  

The Rathcline 50/50 draw takes place every Monday night in one of our local bars at 7.30pm. Your continued generous support is greatly appreciated, and your great support is highlighted by the large pools every week – thank you. 

Notes inclusions

Anybody that wants items included in the local notes is advised that they have their note with me on a Sunday night at the very latest. This is to ensure inclusion in the notes of the following week.

Access for All boat 

Have you availed of the wonderful experience on our doorstep? The Access for All boat is for everybody and it takes you on a 90 minute trip out onto the lake as see its beauty and some of the islands on Lough Ree. The boat can cater for three large wheelchairs, but you don’t have to be a wheelchair user to avail of the excellent trips. Winter sailing times daily for the 90 minute trip are 11.00am and 1pm until the end of March. Guided fishing excursions can also be organised. Advanced booking is recommended. You can contact by email  or phone 089 2625505 or 043 33 84175

Céilí Dancing

Are you interested in perfecting your Céilí Dancing or just want to learn the Céilí steps? Ceili Dancing will take place in Cloonycolgan Community Centre, Donamon every Tuesday evening at 8.30pm under the guidance of Kevin Kelly. Traditional Irish dances are taught from beginners to completion. Everyone is welcome. Beginners get special attention.

Cemetery Sunday – Very Important Advance Notice

I have just been informed there will be significant changes to the dates and times of the Blessing of the Graves (Cemetery Sunday) at our three cemeteries in 2025.

On Saturday 12th July there will be 6.30pm Mass in St. Mary’s Church followed by the Blessing of the Graves at St. John’s cemetery.

On Sunday 13th July there will be NO 11am Mass in the Church. Mass in Clonbonny Cemetery will take place at 1pm. Later in the day 14th Mass will take place at Rathcline Cemetery at 6pm.

The Sunday schedule is weather dependant and if the weather is inclement Masses will take place in St. Mary’s Church.

Ballyleague Tidy Towns

The Ballyleague Tidy Towns team are looking forward to another great year as they prepare for the spring and summer season and the Tidy Towns competition. To continue their growth in the competition they are seeking community minded/spirited people to join their team to maintain and improve Ballyleague and its hinterland. Contact Gerry Trimble to add your name or get additional information.

Dementia Memory Club

The Roscommon Dementia Memory Club is designed for those that are living with dementia and their carer or friend or plus one! A café-like set up, followed by activities, storytelling, reminiscence, music, song and dance. The club offers a great opportunity for persons living with dementia & their carer to socialize and promote improved mental and physical wellbeing, and more importantly to have fun! You don’t have to dance, you can watch and enjoy and contribute in other ways! Come along and see for yourself at Roscommon Music Social Club, the Quad Youth Centre, Circular Road, Roscommon Town. F42 CH70 every Thursday 11:30am to 1pm. Contact Irene on 087 108 0650 or email

Longford Learning Support

Longford Learning Support is a Registered Charity, which has been set up to provide a weekly after-school intervention programme, aimed specifically for children who are experiencing learning difficulties.  

Tutors help children in groups of 3 or 4, according to age and ability, in an encouraging and supportive environment.  

Classes cover Reading, Spelling, and Maths.  

Classes take place every Tuesday evening from 7.00 pm to 8.30pm in the E.D.I. Centre, Mastertech Business Park, Athlone Road, Longford N39 Y0F4. 

If you would like any further information on Longford Learning Support, please contact Nuala at (089) 214 6666 or email

Visit Corlea

Right on our doorstep the fabulous Iron Age Trackway is situated in Corlea just 13km (7m) from Lanesboro. This very unique Trackway has an 18m long section of original Trackway the largest ever discovered in Europe is displayed at the Visitor Centre. You learn how people lived at the time and murals depict implements of the time.

This is one of Ireland’s most famous hidden treasures and it is a place that should be visited and bring your visitors to this wonderful experience.

Visiting the centre is free of charge and the excellent local facilitators will bring you thought the experience and leave you in awe such is their knowledge.

Brothers of Charity seeks support

Volunteers needed: Are you interested in supporting someone with an intellectual disability, to be part of the community in which they live? Volunteers provide a valuable contribution by connecting people to their local communities and enrich the lives of the people we support, by bringing friendship and fun in to their lives. Volunteers can do this by attending local social activities or sporting events together, going walking, swimming, or just sharing interests and chatting over a cup of coffee/tea. Volunteers will be supported in their role by the Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested in volunteering in the Brothers of Charity Services in Roscommon please contact Edel Crehan on  or 0874887314 for more details.

Short Breaks Scheme: Would you be interested in providing home from home short breaks for children and adults who have an intellectual disability? Brothers of Charity Services Ireland, Homeshare Roscommon are recruiting host carers. Training and support provided. Tax exempt Allowances paid. For further information email  or phone Catherine on 090 6628500 / 087 2126607.

Lanesboro Garda Station

Lanesboro Garda Station has just posted a notice telling of its opening times where the station will have a member of the force in attendance for the public. Lanesboro station will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9am to 11am. The station will be open at those times unless the local Garda is dealing with a situation that requires their attendance.

Local Health Service

Local Heath Service is available at Roscommon University Hospital. The service will deal with urgent and routine health problems. The Freephone phone number to ring is 1800 700700.

For more information you are invited to contact Helena at or phone 086 0145 829.

Line Dancing For All 

They say that Line Dancing, stimulates the brain, reduces stress, reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, increases mental capacity, improves posture and balance, tones the body, strengthens bones and muscles, provides opportunity to socialize and meet people and its suitable and popular for all ages and all abilities.

Line Dancing classes take place every Friday morning 11am at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town. 

Line Dancing classes every Sunday at the Quad Centre Roscommon Town for beginners from 6pm to 7pm and Improvers from 7pm to 8pm 

Dance classes takes place in Kilbride, Four Mile House every Tuesday 7pm followed by: 

Jive & Waltz classes 8 45pm. 

Learn to play Guitar

Have you ever thought of learning to play the guitar? Complete beginner guitar lessons are now available in the Lanesboro area. For booking and further details phone 087 7774203.

Co. Longford Citizens Advice Centre 

Co. Longford Citizens Information Service has recently been restructured and is currently under new management.  

They continue to provide free, impartial, and confidential information, advice, and advocacy services to the public on social services, rights, and entitlements. The range of areas covered by the citizens information centre are extremely wide including social welfare rights and entitlements and other social issues such as employment, health services, housing, education, family matters and consumer rights, all where people need access to information.    

The way people access the services changed during Covid and now they currently deal with a large number of queries over the telephone, however, they continue to provide our drop-in times and welcome people to their face-to-face service five mornings a week from the Longford office. The services are provided by experienced trained Information Officers who are there to help you.

The centre is located on level 1 within Longford Shopping Centre and direction can be obtained at the reception desk from Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 5.00pm. The office closes for lunch from 1pm until 2pm.   

The Employability Service 

 Is an Employment and Recruitment Service to assist people with a disability or health issue to pursue and maintain employment in the open labour market? If you are over 18, have a disability or health issue and would consider working part-time then you should contact Employment Services Roscommon support to help find you a job in your area. This is a confidential and free individualised service funded by the Department of Social Protection.  

Are you managing mental health issues? There is the opportunity for Individual Placement and Support (IPS) that is funded by the HSE and offers a range of tailored personalised supports to people using mental health services who wish to work. For further information you should phone 090 66 28608 or call/text 087 3745307. They can also be contacted via email at 

Alcohol Anon Meetings 

Relatives and friends of those addicted to alcohol are welcome to attend meetings in the Family Centre at the back of St. Mel’s Cathedral. The meetings take place every Tuesday evening at 7pm. 

Ballyleague Bingo  

Ballyleague Bingo continues in Ballyleague Hall every Thursday night. The first numbers will be called at 8.30pm.  

The club is extremely grateful for your on-going tremendous support.  


ALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home. 

Our work is for all older people and aims to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have a national network of staff and volunteers who provide an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support and Assistive Technology. 

We use individualised support plans, to address health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and through harnessing other services. 

We work to empower the whole sector of community support for older people through our Community Impact Network that provides Training, IT support and resources to other organisations. 

Support line for older people 

ALONE manage a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to Covid-19. Professional staff is available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week from 8am until 8pm. Text TALK to 50808 to begin. 

Local Health Service 

The health service is here for us all, from routine to urgent calls. HSELive is here 7 days a week to answer questions. The number to ring is Freephone 1800 700700.  

Roscommon University Hospital Injury Unit is available from 8am to 8pm seven days, a week and the contact number is 09066 32212.  

Emergency Department deals with serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies if you need urgent medical help. They are open 24 hours a day and can be contacted by phoning 999 or 112. 

Smart Recovery 

SMART recovery is an evidence-based addiction recovery support group where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour. 

There is a meeting every Friday evening from 7pm to 8.30pm in Vita House, Roscommon. For information you should phone Conor 086 1702912 or  


Grow is a Community Mental Health Movement which meets every Monday at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Rd., Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated or suffering from stress, please feel free to attend. You can call Assumpta for any further information on 086 8114135. 

St. Mary’s Church Lanesboro

Priest contacts: If you have a need to contact any one of the priests you can do so by phoning Fr. Merlyn Kenny 086 0603433 or Fr. Turlough Baxter 087 9972259.

You can also contact parish secretary Maireád Rooney by calling into the presbytery from Tuesday to Thursday, 10.30am to 2.30pm.or she can be contacted on the phone at 3321166.

Come Follow Me: Parents and grandparents of 7 to 11 year old children are invited to a short presentation in the Parish Hub on Wednesday 19th March. The presentation will last for one hour and it will commence at 7pm. ‘Come Follow Me’ is a new movement taking root in Ireland – it is a parish/home based programme to help children grow in faith.

Cemetery Sunday changes: On Saturday 12th July 2025 there will be 6.30pm Mass in St. Mary’s Church followed by the Blessing of the Graves at St. John’s cemetery.

On Sunday 13th July there will be NO 11am Mass in the Church. Mass in Clonbonny Cemetery will take place at 1pm. Later in the day 13th Mass will take place at Rathcline Cemetery at 6pm.

The Sunday schedule is weather dependant and if the weather is inclement Masses will take place in St. Mary’s Church.

The Ardagh and Clonmacnois Lourdes Pilgrimage 2025 will be led by Bishop Paul Connell, is open for booking now. It will take place from May 30th – June 4th costing from €969. For more details contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800 or email – . Pilgrims who would like to travel with the Special Assisted Section should apply to Margaret McDonald on 086 3918577. Those interested in joining as a Nursing Staff Member for the Pilgrimage are asked to contact their local parish or the Pilgrimage Matron – Margaret McDonald on 086 3918577.

Grow: Grow is a community Mental Health Movement that meets every Monday morning at 11am in the Community Mental Health Centre, Dublin Road, Longford. If you are feeling lonely, isolated, or suffering from stress, feel free to attend on Monday morning. For further information call 086 8114135.

Defibrillator Course: Ballagh/Curraghroe defibrillator committee would like to invite anyone in the Kilgefin parish to complete a defibrillator course and if they could contact Danny Cox 086 8142112 or Jean Fallon 086 8320019 to be added for the course. The list, for this vital and potential lifesaving ability, will be compiled with your support over the coming weeks. 

Ballagh Church Meeting: All parishioners are invited to a meeting in Ballagh Church on Tuesday 11th March at 7pm. A number of important issues will be discussed: Maintenance, Sacristan’s retirement, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion to name a few. You are asked to make every effort to attend.

Brothers of Charity: The Brothers of Charity in Roscommon are seeking volunteers.

If you would like to help somebody with an intellectual disability, to be part of the community that they live in, let Edel Crehan know of your interest and you may contact her on 087 4887314.

Would you like to provide home from home, short breaks for children and adults, who have an intellectual disability? There will be an allowance paid. Details can be obtained from Catherine on 080 6628500 or 087 2126607.

Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continues on Tuesday’s in the Prayer Room

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confession time in the Prayer Room takes place on the first Friday of each month from 6.30pm to 7pm.The next opportunity is on Friday 7th March.

Smart Recovery: Smart recovery is an evidence based addiction recovery group, where participants learn self-empowering techniques to aid their recovery by overcoming addictive behaviour. There is a meeting every Friday evening in Vita House in Roscommon Town from 7pm to 8.30pm. For information contact Conor at 086 1702919 or info@smartrecovery.iee   

Kilgefin Parish Notes

Contact: Fr Daniel can be contacted at 089 270 6060

Readers: Ballagh Church is looking for people to read at Mass on Saturday nights. If you can commit and would like to join a rota you are asked to contact Fr. Dan or email or Vivienne at 0862626639.

Death Anniversary Mass: We have a challenge of scheduling Death Anniversary masses for families on specific weekends of their choice because of the few masses at weekends. With weekend masses at a premium it is the case that most will have to be shared with other families to accommodate. The option of weekday masses is preferred for Month’s Mind, Memorial or Anniversary masses where suitable for families. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

Station Masses: Station Masses in the parish will commence on Monday next 3rd March, The station Masses very successful in September. If anyone would like to host the station mass in their home they should contact Fr. Dan to arrange a date.

ALONE needs volunteers: Would you be willing to provide companionship or make friendly calls to an older person in your community? The commitment is for one hour per week. ALONE is seeking volunteers and if you can give just one hour we encourage you to do so. Full training and support will be provided. If you are interested please sign up at https://a For more information contact Helena : phone 086 0145829

Clothes Collection: Ballyleague National School would be extremely grateful if you could donate old clothes, bed linen etc. to their upcoming collection. You are invited to drop the items, bagged, at the door of the Ballyleague N.S.  within school hours and day before this Friday 28th February.

25 Coaching: Coaching for new players or those who want to refresh their game skills of 25 will take place in St. Faithleach’s clubhouse every Tuesday at 8.30pm. This is separate from the regular game and everyone is welcome

St. Faithleach’s GAA

25 Card Game
There is a 25 Card Game every Tuesday at 8.30pm in the clubhouse. There is a separate coaching for beginners every Tuesday in February at 8.30pm. All welcome 

Clubhouse Available

The clubhouse is available if you wish to book a party in our function room. We cater for all occasions. Please contact Gerry Donlon or any committee member if you wish to make a booking. 


As the underage season is fast approaching we are actively seeking any parents or club members who are willing to volunteer and give a hand at our underage trainings and matches. If you are interested please contact Steve Smith or any committee member. Thank you. 

Registration Night 

The deadline for registration is March 31st. Please contact Steve Smith, Ursula Kilcoyne or any committee member if you are having difficulty.

U12 & U14 Boys: 

Training resumes for 2025 season on Monday 24th February at 6.30pm. New players are welcome to attend. Please contact Jerome Kelly or any committee member for further information.