Éigse Peter Carberry
What most likely be the biggest and best Irish Music celebration to take place in Lanesboro for many a long year will take place on the weekend Friday 12th to Sunday 14th April to remember the late and great Pete Carberry, Derryhaun. We have heard of many great uilleann pipers, but Pete was one of the very best uilleann pipers in Ireland. This is the first ever hosting of the Éigse Peter Carberry weekend and it will give us all the opportunity to celebrate Pete’s music, his memory and the legacy that he has left. Glorious Irish music will come to Lanesboro for the weekend and I would encourage everyone to come to Lanesboro, sample the atmosphere and enjoy the very best of Irish music, song, dance and storytelling encompassing people extoling the virtues of Éigse Peter Carberry’s motto of, from generation to generation.
The weekend will have its official opening on Friday 12th in St. Mary’s Parish Hall at 8pm with the opening address given by Liam Ó Cuinneagáin, Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann. This will be followed by a recital by two of Ireland’s finest uilleann pipers Neíllidh Mulligan NPU Dublin and Michael Cooney Tipperary. The Ó ghlúin go glúin (from generation to generation) ceremony will involve Méadhbh and Óisín and the opening will close with the Clarke’s group and friends.
Saturday 13th morning registration will take place for the following workshops at 9.30am with €20 fee: Piping classes and reed making with Cormac Keegan, Michael Cooney and Donncha Keegan; Whistle with Gerry Bohan, Fiddle with Laura Wall, Accordion with Dan Brouder, Banjo with Angelina Carberry. Classes will take place from 10.30am to 12.30 pm and 2pm to 4pm.
In Lanesboro library opening from 3pm to 4.30 an exhibition on the life and music of Pete Carberry.
On Saturday night a concert that will feature the best musicians in the country will take place in St. Mary Hall featuring an array of talented musicians including noted Piper and CEO of Na Píobairí Uilleann, Gay McKeon who was only delighted to accept his invitation. Uilleann Pipers Cormac and Donncha Keegan and Michael Cooney, the Donlon family featuring Uilleann pipes, whistles, harp and banjo, singer Helen Barry, Noel Sweeney on the flute, Jimmy McLoughlin on the accordion, Gerry Bohan on the flute, the Carberry family with an array of instruments – Uilleann pipes, harp, whistles, fiddle, accordion, banjo, mandola and bodhrán. Fear a’ tí will be the very popular Seanachaí Vincent Pierce.
Sunday 14th will open with the Anniversary Mass for Pete in the Church of the Nativity and Blessed Virgin Mary Newtowncashel at 10.30am. Following Mass there will be a recital at Pete’s grave in Clonbonny Cemetery. In the afternoon commencing at 2pm and continuing until 6pm there will be a gathering of Uilleann Pipers for what will be an Irish music session to beat all. Don’t miss it.
I am sure there will be impromptu sessions popping up throughout in some likely and unlikely places.
Come to Lanesboro for a weekend to remember.
Enquiries to eigsepetercarberry@gmail.com
Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club
Well done to all the members of the multiple Sub Aqua search and rescues groups who took part in the Midlands Search and Rescue training over the weekend. The event was hosted by the Lough Ree sub aqua search and rescue club with the event taking place in Lanesborough. There was a great turn out with plenty of new members training along with a large number attending to continue on their roles in their relevant clubs. We would like to extend our thanks to all the organisation who made the training a possibility including an Garda Siochana, the Civil Defense, the RNLI Lifeboat service and all members of the public who assisted with activities. Finally we would like to thank all the members who attended training, it is a voluntary service which these club provide and it is great to see such a large number of people come together with the intend of helping the community, thank you all for your service.

Seeking People to do B& B
Last weekend I was asked where there was B&B locally that could be availed of for the Pike Fishing competition that takes place on 14th and 15th September. The two lads’ sons of a former local man are looking for B&B for the 13th/14th September. If you are intending to do B&B for that weekend or have the space to do it could you contact me at the shop, and I will put you in touch.
All Ireland Final
Saturday next will be a red lettered day for five young men from our community and their parents when the CBS Roscommon team will play Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra in Croke Park at 12.45pm. James Browne, Liam Ormsby, Cian Glennon, Michael Dunne and Aaron Glennon are the local young men that have done their school and community so proud. We look forward to a fabulous day and a victory on Saturday. We wish the lads, their teammates and team management the very best of luck.
Extreme Tractor Run
An Extreme Tractor Run will take place the weekend 19th to 21st April from Dublin to Mayo to raise funds for the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, Paediatric & Special Care Unit at the Midlands Regional Hospital Mullingar and Mayo University Hospital Castlebar. All of the above are cause are well worth supporting. Two local lads Gordon Farrell, son of Pauric and Deirdre, Carrowstrawley and Shane Prior son of Ciaran and Jacqui Prior are making this huge trip to help raising the funds. Your generous support will be greatly appreciated. Sponsorship cards are available in O’Brien’s
Social Service Whist
The monthly Whist Drive will take place on Friday night next in St. Mary’s Hall at 8.30pm. The proceeds of the Whist Drive help Lanesboro Social Services aid the people in need within the parish. Your ongoing support has been a great help and we hope that you will again be supportive and bring along a card playing friend or two for a great night of card playing. As usual light refreshments will be served.
Michael Malone, Cloonadra died on Friday 22nd March at University College Hospital Galway. Mike as he was most commonly known moved in his childhood years to Cloontuskert and later to his home in Cloonadra with his wife Nuala and where they reared their family. Mike worked with ESB for a number of years before moving on to work at Mickie Flynn’s garage. Mike had an incredible interest in cars and was a wonderful source of motoring information on any question. He had an insatiable desire for knowledge and without doubt was more informed than any commentator. Mike was a wonderful and most helpful neighbour and friend – he was renowned for his helpfulness and thoughtfulness. He was meticulous in everything he did. His passing will leave a great void in the hearts and minds of our community and everyone that had the pleasure to know him. The attendance at the reposing of his remains at his residence and again at his Funeral ass and burial bore ample testimony to the esteem in which was held.
Mike’s remains reposed at his residence in Cloonadra on Sunday 24th March before being removed to the Church of the Holy Rosary, Ballyleague on Monday. Following his Funeral Mass, he was laid to rest in Cloontuskert Cemetery.
To his wife Nuala, sons Brian, Andrew and David, daughters Patricia, Ruth and Michelle, relatives and many friends we extend our sincere sympathy.
Lough Ree Athletic Club
Following our recent unsuccessful effort to hold an AGM, it was heartening to see the good turnout at last Thursday’s AGM. A new committee was elected. There was a great enthusiasm at the meeting to see a successful club and we look forward to seeing all the local children from our catchment area of Lanesboro/Rathcline, Ballyleague/Kilgefin, Cashel, Cloontagh, Killashee and Kenagh coming along to the training sessions at the track. Now that the time has changed outdoor training commenced on Tuesday at 6.30 pm and will continue every Tuesday at the same time. Registration will take place at training. With the season starting with the Under 9 to Under 11 Indoor Competition at AIT Athlone on Saturday 4th May it is important that all our young boys and girls are making full use of the training sessions in the lead up.
We believe the date for the local Community Games Track and Field competition is also early this year.
Mary Wins €15,000
Last Tuesday morning proved to be a very special morning for our most popular Post mistress Mary Gee. Mary, a weekly supporter of the draw, playing the same numbers week in week out seen her numbers become the lucky ones for the €15,000 prize. We congratulate Mary on her fabulous win. Mary’s lucky numbers were 1, 11, 12 and 24. The winner of the €50 prize was Sarah Muldoon, Rathcline Road, and the three €20 winners were Colette and Roisín Mount Dillon, Chris Moran, Carrickedmond, Chris Moran Carrickedmond, and Cillian and Senan Cox, Curraghrua.
The committee congratulates Mary on her fabulous win and thanks everyone for their tremendous and loyal support.
Please note that winners can collect their winning cheques in the Co-Op office only and will be available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm
The Green
The numbers of photos are starting to come in in greater numbers and I would like to thank you for your search. As I look through them, they are bringing back great memories of the people and their families. I would encourage anyone else that has photographs of the Green, and stories to contact me. I am looking for all photographs of all residents of the Green right up to the present day – just a flick on your phone, camera, iPad and forward it to me at joea@iol.ie.
If you do not have a family picture perhaps you can forward me individual pictures and the house number you live/d in.
If you don’t have a photograph from your time on the Green a family photograph from a later date will do. I am also looking for photograph of the apprentices and lodgers that stayed on the Green. You can also drop them into me in the shop where I will scan them and return them to you a minute later. Thank you.
Annual 25 Drive
The annual Rathcline Good Friday 25 Drive (Partners) will take place in St. Mary’s Hall on Good Friday 19th April with the first hands being dealt at 9pm sharp. Year on year this card game becomes more popular and we look forward to Friday 19th being great night with big numbers. Tickets are priced at € each and even if you are not going you can buy your ticket put your name on it and return to the seller. By doing this you will be in for the draw for a number of prizes. As usual refreshments will be served and there will be numerous spot prizes.
Revisiting Nurse Donlon
Previously I was seeking information on the memories of Nurse Donlon at the bottom of Main Street. A good number of memories were recounted in longhand and via email to Stella in the Library. A great number made comment on the notice back then but never put pen to paper or finger to the keyboard. Now we are making a final call for people to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard and relate their memories in print. There is so much got already but there is much more out there. Please contact Stella at the library sosullivan@longfordcoco.ie or drop them into the shop or email them to me at joea@iol.ie .
The two loves of Gabriel Foley
Pillar Box Drama Moydow will present The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley in the Community Centre Ardagh on Saturday 13th April at
All of the proceeds will supplement the Ardagh/Moydow
Parish Fundraising programme.
For tickets contact Betty Finnegan
086-3855424 or Mary Lenehen 087-6424316 some tickets may also be available on
the night.
Lanesboro Bridge Club
The results of the competition held on Wednesday last 27th March are: N/S 1st tie between Cyril Hussey and Phil Chalmers& Mona O’Flaherty and Maureen Hynes, 3rd Katharine Harrison and Mary Farrell. E/W 1st Mae Casey and Brid Mc Dermott, 2nd Frank and Frances Brennan, 3rd Mary Jameson and Patricia Mc Gann.
Congratulations to Louise and Pierre Boudin, Rathcline Road on the recent birth of a baby girl.
Rosie’s Tops
The Connaught Regional Awards for the 2019 Irish Restaurant Awards took place in the Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa Sligo last week, where awards were presented to the country’s leading chefs, restaurants and pubs. When it came to the announcement of the Roscommon winners Rosie’s at the Lifebelt Bar won the Best Bar Award. Many congratulations to James, Marie and staff on this great accolade.
On Monday night last, the draw took place for the weekly 50/50 draw. This week our winner was Jacinta Madden c/o Brendan. The winning envelope this week was worth €436. Jacinta is a weekly player from Ballyleague Bingo of our 50/50 and we congratulate her on her win. Perhaps next week it can be your turn, all you have to do is to buy a ticket for €2 to be in the draw.
It is wonderful to see the 50/50 continuing to rise each week and a special thank you to all of you that are new to supporting the draw and those weekly contributors. Let’s hope that in the very near future the draw each will consistently top the €500 mark and it can with your continued support.
Tickets are on sale in local shops and businesses throughout the town at €2 each or 3 tickets for €5. As you now know there are two alternatives for those that would like to play the 50/50 by paying in advance. Option 1 is the green envelope where you pay €50 for a six-month term with one free draw and Option 2 is the pink envelope where you pay €100 for a 12-month period with two free draws. Those tickets are available in any of the local outlets or from any member of the club executive.
Thank You
Longford MS would like to sincerely thank all who helped and contributed so generously at their recent Church gate collection. All donations were greatly appreciated and will be put to great use within the branch.
Lanesboro Library
Knitting & Crochet Group
Knitting & Crochet group continues every Monday 2pm to 4pm. New members always welcome!
Poetry & Music Group
Poetry & Music group continues on Monday 8th April – 4.15-5.30pm.
All welcome to come along and join in with this very vibrant group!
ESOL Class
ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) continues on Tuesday evenings at 7pm.
Babble & Books Parent & Toddler Group
Babble & Books Parent & Toddler Group continues every Wednesday morning at 10.30am at the library. All welcome to bring their babies or toddlers along to play together, read a story or two and have some fun!
‘Music in South Co. Longford’- A Lecture
‘Music in South Co. Longford – A Lecture by Fr. John Quinn will take place in Lanesboro Library on Saturday 13th April at 3pm. This lecture is organised as part of Éigse Peter Carberry weekend. All welcome to come along!
An Afternoon of Tea & Poetry
As part of the Bealtaine Festival during month of May, Lanesboro Library & our wonderful Poetry & Music group will host an Afternoon of Tea & Poetry!
This event is open to everyone and we hope you will all join us for a cuppa, some poetry and maybe a song or two!
Venue: Lanesboro Library
Date: Monday 13th May 2019
Time: 4.15pm
Alzheimer Society of Ireland – Mobile Information Service
The Alzheimer Society Mobile Information Service provides information and support to people living with dementia and their families as well as those concerned about their own cognitive health.
No appointment necessary – just pop in and talk to experienced staff who will be available to provide answers to any questions you may have.
Venue: Lanesboro Library
Date: Friday 17th May 2019
Time: 11am to 2pm
Foreign Currency & Used Stamps
We are still collecting unwanted foreign currency and old coins/notes in aid of ISPCC. The smallest donation can make a huge difference.
We also collect used stamps in aid of ISPCC. Thank you.
Library membership is free for everyone and provides you with complimentary access to books and p.c.’s in the library as well as a range of digital services.
Check out our Online Services where you can download free eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines and newspapers, learn a new language or do an online course. All you need is your library card and pin. Renew or request books on our website www.longfordlibrary.ie
Open Day
Longford Arthritis Branch are holding an Open Day in Longford Library to mark National Arthritis Week 8th-14th. Call in on Friday between 10-4 o’clock for chat, information booklets, courses on offer and have Tea/Coffee. Everyone welcome. Church gate collecting on Sat/Sun 13-14 April. All donations greatly appreciated.
The players
and club officials were guests of the FAI at the Ireland-Georgia game at the
Aviva Stadium on Tuesday last. The players really enjoyed the occasion, and
thanks are due to the FAI for their assistance, and to John Delaney for the
Rehearsals will be starting soon for the big
OSKAR Night.
The under 16s were involved in a seven goal
thriller against Killoe Celtic, and were a tad unfortunate to come out the
wrong end of a 4-3 scoreline. Christian Donlon (2) and Eoin Cox were the
Ballyboro goalscorers. Team: Sam Glennon, Ronan Cox, Cormac O’Dowd, Jack Casey,
Josh Crawford, Joey Trimble, Christov, Christian Donlon, Luke Cullen, Euan
Cullen, Eoin Cox.
An under strength under 11 team found the going
tough against a strong Killoe Lions team, particularly in the first half.
However, they improved greatly in the second period and were more than a match
for their opponents. The Lions emerged as worthy winners while Eoin
O’Brien scored a consolation goal for the home team. Team: Callum Farrell, Eoin
Beattie, Aidan Kelly, Mikie Sorohan, Ethan Slattery, Billy Murray, Eoin
O’Brien. Sub: Patrick Gilmore.
The under 9s were involved in a Blitz at the
weekend along with Ballymahon and Melview. The panel of Cathal Hanley, Josh
Curran, Shane Farrell, Jack Cassidy, Adam Greally, Darragh Donlon, James
Carroll, Tim Kenny, Alfie Murphy, Matthew Murphy, and Donncha Farrell did the
club proud.
Fixtures: The under 12s play Castlepollard away
in a first round Tynan Cup encounter on Sunday at 12 noon. The under 13s play
Melview in a quarter final clash in the David Flaherty Cup at Abbeycartron at
11am on Saturday. The under 14s are at home to Inny FC in the first round of
the Shane Brennan Cup on Saturday, kick off 1.30.
Rathcline GAA – ‘Be with us Be a part of Us’.
Good Luck
The Rathcline club would like to wish St. Faithleach’s players James Browne, Liam Ormsby, Cian Glennon, Michael Dunne and Aaron Glennon the very best of luck in the All Ireland Schools Final in Croke Park on Saturday next.
Leader Cup
Sunday last we dipped our feet back into senior football when we entertained Dromard in the first round of the Leader Cup. Emerging from Intermediate league and championship into senior is always aa daunting task especially when you are playing one of the best and most consistent senior teams in the county.
Acquitted ourselves well there is no doubt we done that in an excellent game that had those in attendance on tender hooks right up to the final whistle. The final scoreline read 2-6 to 0-13 with us having lost out by one point. Despite the result this was an excellent performance for our lads and a performance that will give us great hope and expectation going into our game on Sunday when we travel to Newtownforbes to play Clonguish at 2pm.
25 Drive
The annual Rathcline Good Friday 25 Drive (Partners) will take place in St. Mary’s Hall on Good Friday 19th April with the first hands being dealt at 9pm sharp. Year on year this card game becomes more popular and we look forward to Friday 19th being great night with big numbers. Tickets are priced at € each and even if you are not going you can buy your ticket put your name on it and return to the seller. By doing this you will be in for the draw for a number of prizes. As usual refreshments will be served and there will be numerous spot prizes.
On Monday night last, the draw took place for the weekly 50/50 draw. This week our winner was Jacinta Madden c/o Brendan. The winning envelope this week was worth €436. Jacinta is a weekly player from Ballyleague Bingo of our 50/50 and we congratulate her on her win. Perhaps next week it can be your turn, all you have to do is to buy a ticket for €2 to be in the draw.
It is wonderful to see the 50/50 continuing to rise each week and a special thank you to all of you that are new to supporting the draw and those weekly contributors. Let’s hope that in the very near future the draw each will consistently top the €500 mark and it can with your continued support.
Tickets are on sale in local shops and businesses throughout the town at €2 each or 3 tickets for €5. As you now know there are two alternatives for those that would like to play the 50/50 by paying in advance. Option 1 is the green envelope where you pay €50 for a six-month term with one free draw and Option 2 is the pink envelope where you pay €100 for a 12-month period with two free draws. Those tickets are available in any of the local outlets or from any member of the club executive.
St. Faithleach’s GAA
O’Rourke Cup: Round one of the O’Rourke Cup took place on Sunday afternoon in Lisnamult against Roscommon Gaels, result: St. Faithleach’s 0-21 Roscommon Gaels 0-11. The next round takes place on Sunday 7th against Padraig Pearses.
Junior Ladies League: The Ladies has a comprehensive win on home grounds on Sunday morning against Strokestown, result: St. Faithleach’s 7-7 Strokestown 1-5. Next round takes place April 14th.
Minor League: The boys played St. Michael’s in Ballyleague on Saturday afternoon, result; St. Faithleach’s 6-15 St. Michael’s 1-6.
U16 Girls League: The girls played their first game of the season in Tulsk on Sunday, result; St. Faithleach’s 7-4 Tulsk 6-5. Next game takes place on Friday in Ballyleague against Four Roads.
Congratulations: To Roscommon CBS team and management and to club reps; James Browne, Liam Ormsby, Cian Glennon, Michael Dunne and Aaron Glennon on reaching the All Ireland Senior B Schools Final. We wish the school and the boys all the best for Saturday’s Final.
Table Quiz: Our rescheduled Table Quiz takes place on Friday 5th at 9:30pm in the clubhouse, all welcome.
Cards: Take place every Tuesday night in the clubhouse, last week’s joint winners: Eugene & Sonny, Vincent & Seamus. Last game Anne & Kay.