Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 20th February 2017

Lanesboro Ballyleague


St. Patrick’s Weekend in Lanesboro Ballyleague

There will be no place better to be on St. Patrick’s Weekend than in Lanesboro and Ballyleague and we would urge everyone to make it their destination for the weekend.

On St. Patrick’s Day, we do have one of the best parades in the midlands and even further afield. It is a wonderful community event where everyone partakes in the celebration. By all accounts this year promises to be bigger and better than anyone that preceded it.

This year the Lanesboro Horse Fair will take place on Saturday 18th March and at a new venue. The Fair will take place in Gill’s field, also known as Lancashire, and it is a spectacular location overlooking the harbor and bay area of the Shannon. The effect of having it in this location is that the it is a much bigger field and a much better viewing area for those looking at horses and also for those buying and selling. It is a most scenic location and to have it filled with horses will, I am sure, make it a fabulous sight.

On Saturday 18th Ballyboro Scouts will also be launching their newly converted barge. In coming weeks, you will learn of its history and work done suffice to say that this was a huge undertaking for the scouts and they are rightly proud of their achievement. It is another occasion that should not be missed and to say well done to those that have put in so much work over the past few years in preparation for this great day.

All those occasions are reasons to be in Lanesboro/Ballyleague over St. Patrick’s weekend.

Restaurant Award Nomination

St. Valentine’s Day 14th February 2017 will always be etched in the minds as a very special day for two ladies in Lanesboro. Sisters, Mary O’Loughlin and Patricia Heneghan who own and manage the Sisters Bistro on Main Street have just received notification that they have been nominated in the Irish Restaurant Awards 2017. They received their nomination in not one but four categories which is a remarkable achieving for the Sisters Bistro. Their nominations are for Best Café, Best Casual Dining, Best Customer Service and Best Emerging Irish Cuisine.

The Sisters Bistro will attend the regional finals in The Lyrath Estate, Kilkenny on Wednesday week 1st March and the All-Ireland Final announcement will take place on 8th May.

Well done sisters your great work pays off and we are rightly proud of your nominations and we wish you the very best of luck on announcement days.


It was with great sadness we learned of the death in England of Noel Donlon, formerly Moher. Noel’s remains were removed to the Church of the Holy Rosary last week and following his Funeral Mass he was laid to rest in Cloontuskert Cemetery. Noel was predeceased by his brother Pete and E.J. and his is survived by his brothers and sisters Joe (Moher), Tom (Moher), Betty, (America), Patsy (England), Jim (Dublin), Kathleen (Dublin), Mary (Roscommon), Kevin (England), Teresa (England), Marty (England), Gerry (England), Carmel (Dublin) and Rita (England). We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to his family and extended family and friends.

Quiz to beat all Quizzes

It has been a while in the preparation but the Lough Ree Monster Group have come up with a very unique fundraiser The Quirky Quiz. Lough Ree Monster Festival must firstly thank Gareth Carroll, Roscommon for allowing us use his novel quiz title and concept.

The quiz was initially to be a single night similar to a table quiz but we have extended the idea to have the Quirky Quiz taking place simultaneously in the four pubs in Lanesboro and Ballyleague, The Yacht Bar, Clarke’s Bar, Adie’s, and Rosie’s at the Lifebelt.

There will be one quiz master and it will be relayed in the four bars.

This is a very unique project and with the great work of Fintan Duffy we are assured that this will be an exceptional night in Lanesboro and Ballyleague.

You select your team, your pub and we are up and running. There has never been anything like it and because of its uniqueness you will be part of a historic night.

The questions will indeed be quirky and there will most definitely be a wonderful atmosphere and a great deal of craic on the night.

Full details of date will be published next week.

Book in your Float

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade committee is now up and running and they are preparing for another great day in Lanesboro and Ballyleague on St. Patrick’s Day 17th March. The committee would like to see a greater number of club, associations, businesses and individuals making a big effort. It is hoped that this year will be the biggest and best yet. There are a good number already expressing their interest which is great. We hope a lot more with a great sense of adventure will add their names and plans to this year’s festival.

Contact Teresa Costello or Freda Connaughton or in O’Brien’s where you can collect and leave your application form

New Comic

It is not every day that we in Lanesboro can welcome a new production but last week was a wonderful day when a young schoolboy from Mahoraveen published his first edition of a new comic. Daniel Hogan, son of Donal and Tracy Hogan is an avid reader of the Beano comic decided that he too could also publish a similar comic.

The comic, entitled The Adventures of Super Pig’ shows a wonderful talent and imagination and we offer our fulsome praise to Daniel for his inventiveness and his ability to put this comic together.

The first edition of the comic is on sale in O’Brien’s and for any young person it is a wonderful introduction to reading comics.

The comic is excellently edited by Luke Johnston son of Ronnie and Helen Johnston, Rathcline Road and schoolmate of Daniel’s. There are also contributions in the comic from Daniel’s sister Ella. All three mentioned are National School students at Fermoyle National School.


On Monday night 12th February, the 50/50 draw took place in Clarke’s Bar. The Rathcline 50/50 draw winner was Pam Farrell, Derrygeel. Pam won this week’s pool of €418.

The club thanks you for your continued support. Blue weekly tickets are on sale in all local businesses and yearly pink tickets are also available costing €100.

Lough Ree AC

The Tullamore Court Hotel was the venue for Athletics Ireland Juvenile Star Awards 2016, on Saturday night 18th February.   When it was known as the Bank of Ireland Awards some years ago, the club supplied two winners in Padraic Connerton and Joanne Casey (open to correction here).   This year’s Co Roscommon winner was Maeve Dervin, a member of Roscommon AC with local connections; her mother is a teacher in Newtowncashel for a number of years and an active competitor herself in road races.  We were delighted to see Cian McPhillips receive the Co Longford Award and well deserved too. The prestigious awards are now sponsored by Emerald Crystal.

Next weekend sees the start of the 2017 season with the Connaught Indoor Championships for the under 12 age group right up to senior level taking place in the Indoor Arena in Athlone IT.  Good luck to all our competitors.

Monster Meeting Wednesday

The Lough Ree Monster group will have its meeting on Wednesday next 22nd February at 9pm in the Yacht Bar. You are invited to join this growing band who are putting together a wonderful event for the local communities in July/August. If you are from Rathcline, Cashel, Ballyleague, Curraghroe, Ballagh and Killashee and want to play your part then come along and join the group. There are only a few short months to go to the festival and we would encourage everyone home and abroad to make their holiday arrangements commencing on Friday 28th July and Saturday 29th July where the Festival will be launched on both nights with a new play written by Newtowncashel man John Kenny. The play will be staged in St. Mary’s Hall and it is fittingly called ‘The Lough Ree Monster’.


We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Madge and Jim Finn and family, Rathcline Road on the death on the death of Madge’s brother Noel Cowan, Clara, Co. Offaly last week. His was laid to rest in Monastery Cemetery, Clara following his Requiem Mass on Saturday last

Thank You

The Rathcline Ladies would like to thank everyone that contributed to their church Gate collection last weekend.

Train in the use of a Defibrillator

Have you signed up for the new Defibrillator course that is about to take place very soon? In this day and age knowledge in the use of the Defibrillator is essential. As you can see throughout the area there are public access defibrillators (PAD) and it is very important that you are adept in the use of this vital lifesaving equipment.

Each club and organisation in this and surrounding parishes should have a number of people trained in this course.

There are people with the course completed and they need to do a refresher course as is included in the rules.

Please give your name and contact details in to Martina O’Brien at the Corner Shop or phone Martina at 3321107 or 086-3538934.

Lough Ree 2000 Bridge

N/S: Gross: 1st Joan Donnellan and John Kiernan, 2nd Joan Donlon and Fergal Mc Guinness, 3rd Kathleen Hanley and Mary Fallon. Nett: 1st Joan Donnellan and John Kiernan, 2nd Kathleen Hanley and Mary Fallon, 3rd Joan Donlon and Fergal Mc Guinness.

E/W: Gross: Bernadette Gillen and Nancy Dolan, 2nd tie Carol Hamill and Ann Hagan, & Mike Flynn and Mai Casey, 4th Noreen Dunne and Philomena Walsh. Nett; 1st Bernadette Gillen and Nancy Dolan, 2nd Noreen Dunne and Philomena Walsh, 3rd Mike Flynn and Mai Casey.

Library Weekly News

ESOL Class continues on Tuesday evening 28th February 7-10pm

Knitting & Crochet Group continues on Monday 27th February 2-4pm.  All Welcome!

Lasraí Writers Group

The very popular ‘Poetry and Music’ will continue at Lanesboro Library on Monday 27th February from 4.30 to 5.30pm.  Come along and share a favourite poem. The group is looking forward to seeing you there and meeting new people interested in poetry and music and song.

Internet/Social Media Course

The 3rd week of Social Media Course takes place on Monday 27th February 6-7pm. For more information contact Stella on 0433321291 or email

Foreign Currency Appeal Reminder

We are still collecting unwanted foreign currency and old coins/notes in aid of ISPCC. The smallest donation can make a huge difference.  Used stamps also being collected at the library for ISPCC. Thank you.

Lanesboro Community Games

Art, handwriting & model making: The Lanesboro Community Games Art, Handwriting and Model Making competition will take place in St. Marys Parish Hall on Sunday 26th Feb from 17:00 to 20:00 Model Making & 17:00 to 19:00 Art and Handwriting.  Art U8, U10, U12, U14 & U16.  Handwriting U10 & U12.  Model making U10, U12, U14 & U16.  Event rules and details on and the Lanesboro Community Games Facebook page.  Community Games Registration (for children who haven’t already taken part in Community Games this year) will take place also.

Talent competition.  Community Games Talent competition time is coming up.  Parents who would like their children to take part in the talent competition should contact a member of the committee (Ciara Myhill, Marie English, Padraig O’Dowd, Donal Hogan, Barry Hogan).  Solo Talent (Music, Singing, Dancing, Recitation) U12 & U16 and various group Talent events.  More details on and the Lanesboro Community Games Facebook page.

Titles Night

Longford Macra Na Feirme is hosting a titles night in the Longford Arms Hotel Saturday night the 25th of Feb at 8pm to see who will win the battle to be crowned to represent Longford in the various Macra festivals around Ireland throughout 2017.Rhythm and Sticks band will be kicking off at half 10 followed by DJ and raffle on the night for charity, admission is €1 for a night not to be missed.

This event is to encourage as many young people between the ages of 17-35 Male and Female to join 1 of the 4 Macra clubs in Longford and see what it’s all about.

For more info find us on Facebook.

Rathcline GAA

The club held its first executive meeting on Friday night last and they want to highlight the following points from the meeting:


The club would like that this draw would reach and exceed €500 weekly and we are asking your support to achieve this goal. You can do so by buying a blue ticket in any local shop or bar.

Blue weekly tickets are on sale in all local businesses and yearly pink tickets are also available costing €100.

Your support for the draw in much appreciated.

On Monday night 13th February, the 50/50 draw took place in the Peer Inn. The Rathcline 50/50 draw winner was Pam Farrell, Derrygeel. Pam won this week’s pool of €418.

Team Manager

The committee announced the appointment of Kevin Hanley as manager of the Intermediate team for the coming year. The club would like to wish Kevin and his management team the very best of luck for the coming season. We also hope that every Rathcline player will make themselves available for the Intermediate Championship, Division 2 league and Cup 2 competition.

Bus to U21

Longford Co Board are hoping to run a bus or two to the Under 21 Championship game in Kildare on Wednesday 1st March. We have two representatives on the U21 panel Kevin Sorohan and team captain Shane Kenny. It is very important that the club is well represented at the game and give our players they best of support.


Membership of the club is now open and we would earnestly ask everyone to become a member of the club. The membership is €20 for general members and €50 for playing membership. Peter Skelly and Denis Crinigan are the registrars and they will accept and receipt your membership.

Brendan Rhatigan is the registrar for the players and all players are asked to meet with Brendan as soon as possible.

Defibrillator Training

It is essential that we have people competent in the use of the defibrillator at the club grounds at all times during games and training. We would encourage parents and supporters to register for the upcoming Defibrillator training course. As we all remember from a few seasons back the value of the defibrillator and someone with the knowledge of its use so it is important that we have people available in Clonbonny for all our games fully up to speed with its use. You completing in the training can be a matter of life and death hence the need to ask you to sign up. Register your name with Joe or Martina O’Brien

Shannon Gaels

The Strength and Conditioning under the guidance of Joey Horgan is proving to be a great success with big numbers attending. The U14 indoor training in the Hall on Friday nights is also attracting great numbers. Thanks to all parents and young people for their efforts.

Divine Mercy Conference

The Divine Mercy Conference will take place in the RDS on Saturday next 25th February. The conference is for one day only. For those interested in travelling, a bus will leave St. Mel’s Cathedral car park at 8.30am. To book a seat you are invited to ring Liz 087-6378619 or Carmel 086-3296541.

Tractor Run on Saturday

Newtowncashel Tractor Run will take place from Newtowncashel on Saturday next 25th February. The Tractor Run is in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation and it start from ‘The Local’ at 4.30pm. The entry fee is €20 and every sort and type of tractor is welcome to participate.

Later that evening music and a raffle will take place in ‘The Local’

Disability Information Event

The Disability Services with Longford County Childcare Committee are hosting a Disability Information Event in the Longford Arms on the 1st March from 6-8pm.

Victor Connell we be the guest speaker on the night.

The disability Service have services such as Jack and Jill, Inclusion Ireland, Citizens Information and Social Inclusion, to name a few, providing information to the public.

The event will highlight Disability Information showcasing some services and supports for people with Disabilities

The event will be hosted by Longford County Childcare Committee and they would like to invite you to come along.

St. Faithleach’s GAA

O’Gara Cup: First game of the year for our senior team resulted in a win St. Faithleach’s 2-13 Oran 0-14. Team: A. Manning, B. Scally, M. Cox, D. Nerney, D. Rooney (0-3), B. Murtagh (0-1), K. Farrell (0-1), C. Gunn, D. Gibbons, D. Harrison, C. Murtagh (0-4) D. Foley, D. Murtagh (0-1), D. Hussey (2-2) J. Hussey (0-1). Subs used; C. Smith, J. Walsh, D. Mc Cormack, H. Kenny.

U16 Boy’s League D3: Round one of the league took place on Sunday morning against Kilmore/Shannon Gaels. Result: St. Faithleach’s 2-9 Kilmore/Shannon Gaels 3-13. Team: D. Donlon, A. Glennon, D. Kilcoyne, A. Hegarty, R. Banahan, M. Cox, R. Klava,

  1. Browne, C. O’Brien, C. Glennon, M. Dunne, N. Mc Govern, K. Gallagher

Subs: J. Murray & L. Ormsby. Next game is in Ballyleague on Sunday 26th against

Kilglass Gaels at 3:30pm.

Junior League D5: The first game of the Junior League takes place on Sunday 26th in Ballyleague against St. Barry’s at 2pm.

Junior Ladies League: Round two of the league takes place on Sunday 5th at 12noon in Ballyleague against Boyle.

Minor Boys League D2: St. Faithleach’s face Oran on Sunday 5th in round two.

U16 Girls Championship D3: The girls play Strokestown at home on Sunday 5th in round one of the championship.

Best of luck: To our club reps on the Roscommon team who play Mayo on Saturday 25th in the Allianz League.

Lotto: Jackpot stands at €12,000. Envelopes are €2 and available in all local retailers. Team in charge for next two weeks are; Monica Connaughton, Mary Hussey and Qona Cox. Next draw takes place on 22nd February

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