Lanesboro Ballyleaague notes Monday 23rd January 2017

Lanesboro Ballyleague



Closing date for Enrolment Approaching

The closing date for 1st year enrolment in Lanesboro Community College for September 17 is 27th January. Lanesboro Community College continues to grow and develop and they are a very active school with a huge variety of activities and projects included along with their dedication to the education of their pupils. The College, in 2016, was second in the Feeder Schools to 3rd level colleges in County Longford and one of the best  in the growth category since 2011.

Party time for all Longford people

The Longford Association in London is holding their 62nd Annual Dinner Dance on 18th February at The Crown Hotel Cricklewood.

This is traditional a fabulous night with Longford people travelling from far and wide to join in the celebrations. The committee is once again looking forward to meeting some old friends and hopefully making some new ones. Go along represent your county and parish and make it another truly remarkable night of celebrations. You do not have to be from county Longford to join in their celebrations – everyone is very welcome to party the night away.

Tickets are now available. If anyone would like to book, please message or call Aidan Ganly to arrange 00447786081999

Triathlon Club Open Night

Lanesboro Triathlon Club is holding an open evening on Saturday 28th January at 7pm in the club rooms, in the Co-Op, Main Street, Lanesborough. The evening is a chance to meet existing members and find out more about the club and one of Ireland’s fastest growing sports. We welcome people of all age groups and all fitness levels. Anyone that can’t make it on the night, can find us on Facebook at, email us at or call Frank on 087 915 2599.

Lanesboro Tri Club is one of the most progressive clubs in the country and it is a club that continues to go from strength to strength. Go along and become part of a great progression that is Lanesboro Triathlon Club.

Congratulations to Ms Nevin and the pupils of Lanesborough Primary School on their

Primary Science project (in conjunction with the BT Young Scientist) in the RDS on Saturday 14th January.

The project, entitled ‘ How Renewable Energy can affect the world’ involved the pupils in

research and design of prototypes of Renewable energy methods. These prototypes include a solar powered oven, wind mills, and a hydro-electric station. An anemometer was also designed. The project will be on view in the library and then in the school over the coming weeks.

Seamus, Henry and Tom from Lough Ree Power visited last week and gave an excellent presentation on the future of the Lough Ree Power plant in Lanesboro.

A great day was had by all. The pupils and teachers would like to extend their thanks to the parents and grandparents who travelled with the group.


On Tuesday night 16th January, the 50/50 draw took place in the Yacht Bar. The Rathcline 50/50 draw winners were brothers Maura and Neil, The Green. The lads were the recipients of the pool of €344.

The club thanks you for your continued support. Blue weekly tickets are on sale in all local businesses and yearly pink tickets are also available costing €100.

The sale is dwindling a little over the past few weeks and we would urge everyone to buy a blue ticket and revive the jackpot to over €400 weekly once again.

Lanesborough Primary Enrolment Friday

Lanesborough Primary School are holding their Enrolment Afternoon for September 2017 on this coming Friday January 27th in the school from 1-3. This gives parents an opportunity

to visit the school and meet with the Principal and teachers. Everyone is welcome to come along.

Mens Club

The mens club will resume this coming Thursday 26th January from 12 noon to 1pm in Lanesboro Parish Hall. This is the opening gathering of 2017. If you are retired or have free time on your hands and would like to come along and see what is happening, you are very welcome to come along and join the group.

Local ICA says Thank You

The local guild of the ICA would like say a big thank you to local business man and butcher Terry Mc Loughlin, Main Street, for sponsoring the local guilds page in this year’s issue of the I.C.A. Calendar.

Monster Meeting Wednesday week

The Lough Ree Monster group will have its first meeting of the New Year in Rosie’s at the Lifebelt on this Wednesday 25th January at 9pm.

Last week we welcomed new members to our meeting and we look forward to more coming along to the forthcoming meetings.

Rake the Ashes on TV

Last Saturday night local man Fran Deffew and the members of Rake the Ashes performed on the Ray Darcy show on RTE1. They performed a number from their newly released CD “The Pitman’s Pay”. There’s 15 tracks on the CD for €10, available from O’Brien’s shop and from Mags Gillen’s Salon.

The group are having a launch night for the album on this coming Saturday 28th January in The Grand Social, 35 Liffey St. Lower, Dublin and it would be great to see locals living in the city calling in to support a local man and have the craic. Admission on the door €10 which gets you a free CD as well.

Fermoyle National School Enrolment

Enrolment for the Academic Year 2017/2018 is now open until February 3rd 2017.

Please call or contact the school office for an Enrolment Pack any Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 9.30am and 1.30pm. Tel: 043 3321959. Email:

Defibrillator Course

We, by now, should be patently aware of the benefits of being capable of using the defibrillators located through both parishes. As you may know the siting and knowledge of the use of a defibrillator at Clonbonny was vital when a young player was in need a time ago.

A new course will soon be available and it is very important that more and more people in the wider community get trained in the use of a defibrillator. There is also the need for those who are already trained up to do a refresher course.

Each and every club in this and surrounding parishes should have at least one person doing this course.

Please give your name and contact details in to Martina O’Brien at the Corner Shop or phone Martina at 3321107 or 086-3538934.

Be Active at your Library

Knitting & Crochet Group continues on Monday 30th January 2-4pm.  All Welcome!

Lasraí Writers Group

The very popular ‘Poetry and Music’ will continue at Lanesboro Library on Monday 13th February from 4.30 to 5.30pm.  Come along and share a favourite poem. The group is looking forward to seeing you there and meeting new people interested in poetry and music and song.

ESOL Class continues Tuesday evening 31st January 7-10pm.

Book Club

First Book Club of 2017 takes place on Friday morning 27th January at 11am.  Come along and enjoy chat, refreshments & read great books.  All welcome!

Internet/Social Media Course

A 6-week course on using Internet/Social Media will start in the Library on Monday 6th February 6-7pm.  Course costs €50 total. This course will introduce learners to the basic uses of internet and social media in an easy and relaxed environment. For more information and to book your place contact Stella on 0433321291 or email

Remembering Anthony Healy

The Anthony Healy Memorial card game will now take place in Clarke’s Bar on Sunday evening next 29th January commencing at 7pm. If you had bought tickets for the original date, then bring them along as they will be valid for this date. We are remembering one of our most popular local characters and a dear friend and we would like to encourage everyone to buy a ticket or turn up on the evening and have a bit of fun as Anthony would want it.

The organisers would like to encourage everyone in the locality to support this game either by buying tickets or coming along and playing in the game.

The proceeds will go to the Roscommon Mayo Hospice and your support is keeping the memory one of our favourite sons alive. Please be generous. Tickets are available locally in shops and bars at only €10.

First Goal Winner

The Rathcline Ladies first goal competition is held every week on a selected match and the winner of the first goal scored will receive €50. The winning ticket for the first goal game was David Rooney and Lauren Guinan where the goal was scored in the 5th minute. Tickets are on sale in local pubs and from Mike Greene from only €2.

Try Refereeing

Now is the time to be thinking of becoming a GAA referee. Foundation courses and referee introductions in Longford GAA will commence from mid/late February. The new system introduced in Longford last year was an outstanding success and between the nine new referees they officiated at almost 200 games. The system has gained wide acclaim and it is a great welcome to refereeing.

Longford for the first time had 2 female referees which was very welcomed and they would like to increase that number of ladies next year and in the coming years.

If you want any more information or want to let your name go forward contact me at, phone 086-2460840 or email Longford county board with your name and contact details.

Tractor Run

Newtowncashel Tractor Run will take place from Newtowncashel on Saturday 25th February. The Tractor Run is in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation and it start from ‘The Local’ at 4.30pm. The entry fee is €20 and every sort and type of tractor is welcome to participate.

Later that evening music and a raffle will take place in ‘The Local’

Kick off Your New Year

Why not kick off the New Year by getting out, get healthy and fit. Training has started for the Ronan McCormack Charity Challenge 2017, walking/jogging/running training takes place on Tuesdays and Thursday at 7pm from the Quad Centre Roscommon Town. Cycling training takes place on Saturday mornings at 10am. Every age and ability catered for. A perfect opportunity to clear the head and shed a few pounds for 2017.

International Adult Poetry Competition and Primary School Midlands Poetry Competition

As part of the Maria Edgeworth Literary Festival 5th – 7th May 2017, there will be an International Adult Poetry Competition and Primary School Midlands Poetry Competition with cash prizes.  Entries to be sent through or by post to Competition Secretary, Edgeworth Literary Society, Old School House, Ballymahon Road, Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford.  Tel:  043-6671801.  Email:  Closing date is 24th February 2017.

Remember the ‘Hops’

Long ago in Lanesboro there was a bunch of young fellas that put-on Hops in the Parish. For the greater number, too young to remember, hops were the forerunners to Discos. The hop was one of the most fantastic things for young people in the greater area and many very special hops were held in St. Mary’s Parish Hall. There were even hops on a Sunday afternoon for kids.  The lads were ahead of their time and it is time that we remembered something that was fabulous in Lanesboro. If you have memories, please post them on the conversation started on Facebook or email them to me and I will pass them on to Fergie who is working on the project.

Clams feature on Ear to the Ground

The story of the unwanted clams in the hot water stretch featured last week on the popular RTÉ programme Ear to the Ground. It is a great shame that this infestation continues and nothing has been done about it. As a community, we deserve better especially as this is an area that will be part of the fishing festival during 2017. While a community tries to better itself it is a pity that those who can won’t and we are left to struggle. Having seen the programme last week what fishermen will come here to fish? A memory of how good and what fishing meant to us can be seen in the photographs in James Casey’s window. Is that all it will be for us only a memory?


We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Mary, Tommy and Enda Casey, Rathcline Road on the death last week of Mary’s brother Terence Coughlan, Walderstown, Athlone.

Health Care Training

Healthcare training Programme FETAC Level 5 takes place in the EDI Centre Longford commencing February 16th, 9.15-4.30 One day per week for five weeks. Starting with the care skills module, Excellent employment opportunities are now available – Care Assistant – Personal Care, Home Care worker, Nursing Homes and Hospitals. Cost €295.00 if in receipt of welfare payment, you may be eligible for funding, please contact the local DSP office. For further information please contact EDI Centre on 043 3347515 or

Shannon Gaels Minor Club

We are seeking former players and current players aged 18 (this year) and upwards to consider a career in refereeing. Longford Co Referees committee is actively seeking new recruits for the coming year. The Foundation course for new referees will commence on Monday 20th February and will continue for the following 3 Monday nights. Following that you will be assigned to some of the senior referees for further guidance and mentoring. This is a new and innovative course and one that was hugely successful last year.

Refereeing can and will be fun and it will draw you to a completely different side of local and national GAA.

If you are interested contact Joe O’Brien, 086-2460840.

The U13 and U15 Leinster League will commence this weekend and this is a great opportunity for our young players to test their ability against clubs from outside the county and the competition will be a great benefit to our club going forward.

We welcome everyone back to a new season and if you are not part of us at any age group please feel free to come along and join with us and have lots of fun in Clonbonny and the many GAA pitches we visit over the coming season.

Defibrillator course: it is essential that we have people competent in the use of the defibrillator at the club grounds and we would encourage parents and supporters to get the upcoming training. As we all seen a few seasons back the value of the defibrillator and someone with the knowledge of its use so it is important that we have people available in Clonbonny for all our games fully up to speed with its use. Please give your name to Tina, Sharon, Collette or Bríd.


To mine and older generations the name Noel Henry evokes great memories of his time while working in the Northern Bank in Lanesboro. Noel was a wonderful man with a great disposition. His warmth was a permanent feature of the man. Noel was an avid runner and competed far in wide with great success. Noel left an indelible link with Lanesboro because of his phenomenal   marathon run that has never been equalled when himself and Ann O’Brien took on the challenge to run from Dublin City to Lanesboro a full 84 miles. It was an amazing feat and for someone to do such a run. Seeing both of them entering Lanesboro on that fateful was an occasion that has lived long in the memory. A plaque commemorating that famous day is erected on the wall opposite the Sliabh Bán Hotel. Noel was predeceased just 10 months ago, by his wife Nano.

We are all saddened by the news of Noels death and we would like to extend our sincere sympathy to his family Jan, Jill and Ron, brother-in-law Mickie, sister-in-law Sheila, son-in-law Seamus, daughter-in-law Julie and by his loving grandchildren Eoin, Ruairí, Conor, Tomás and Honor.

Noel Henry died on Wednesday 11th January and his Requiem Mass took place on Saturday, 14th January, in Holy Rosary Church, La Touche Road, Greystones, followed by burial in Redford Cemetery, Blacklion, Greystones.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade committee is up and running and they would like to think that this year there will be a Parade to beat all parades and they are hoping that every local club and association will make huge efforts to be part of what is now one of the best parades in the greater area.


Whilst we are aware that all parents have busy lives, we would encourage any parents that are interested in their children joining the athletic club to attend our AGM on Thursday night next. After all running is the basis for all other sports

It is vital that the club gets support at the AGM on Thursday 26th January in St Mary’s Parish Hall, Lanesboro at 9.00pm

Tennis Club

Registration for new existing and new members of Lough Ree Tennis club will take place in Ballyleague Hall on Saturday next 28th January from 2pm to 5pm. The cost of registration is €10 for a child and €25 for adults.

There are new kid’s tennis club hoodies available at a cost of €20.

The children’s new tennis season commenced on Friday last 20th January. Adult coaching will commence in March. Social Tennis takes place every Saturday from 9.30 to 10.30am.

If you require and further details you are invited to contact Caroline 087-6259092

Lanesboro Community Games

Well done to all of our young participants who took part in the County Community Games Draughts competition last Saturday, in Killoe National School. We were well represented with four teams at U10, U12 & U14 age levels. They all battled really well in their respective competitions.

Our U10 team was: Ben Murphy, Diarmuid Hanly, Orla Chawke, Sean O’Dowd, Amy Killian, Rian Hogan & John Farrell.

One of our U12 teams was: Kieran O’Dowd, Alice Johnston, Luke Dowd, Sam Murphy, Polly Myhill & Laoise Hanly.

Our U14 team was: Duileach Ryan, Sionna Crossan, Dylan Hanly, James Killian, Conor Lyons & Ella Hogan

Huge Congratulations to our other U12 team who managed to win out their competition by the narrowest of margins, to a very strong Newtowncashel side.

They are now Longford County Champions 2017 and will go forward to represent the County in the Leinster competition.: Cormac O’Dowd, Fionn Crossan, Shane Gavigan, Conor Farrell, Ronan Farrell, Rory Killian & Lily Hogan.

Many thanks to all of the parents who helped out with practice, supervision and transport. We are very grateful for your support.

Code of Ethics

Safeguarding 1 – Code of Ethics & Good Practice for Children’s Sport

This workshop is a 3-hour basic awareness workshop, which is for the benefit of everyone involved in sport for young people including coaches, leaders, administrators, parents/guardians. The next course is scheduled to take place on Thursday 2nd February 2017 from 7-10p.m. A registration from must be completed and returned along with the course fee of €15. Alternatively, payment & registration can be completed online at

Lanesboro Bridge Club

The results of the competition held on Wednesday last 18th January are: N/S 1st Brid McDermott and Una Lawlor, joint 2nd Mike Flynn and Cyril Hussey & Mary Mc Gushin and Bernadette Clancy. E/W 1st Frances and Frank Brennan, 2nd Mary Jamieson and Patricia McGann, joint 3rd Eileen Kelly and Una Clarke & Katherine Harrison and Philomena Walsh.

St. Faithleach’s GAA

Registration Night: Annual club registration night takes place on Friday 27th January from 7-9pm in the clubhouse for both Senior and Minor Clubs. Membership Rates are as follows Adult/Player: €80, Student / U18: €40, Family: €130, Social: €30. All new members welcome. Please note that all players must be registered to play for the coming season.

Senior Presentation Night: Our ‘Presentation Night’ will be held on Saturday 11th February. The Senior team, Junior, Junior Ladies, U20, Mother’s and Others and Minor team are all invited to attend. More details to follow.

FBD League Connacht Final: Best of luck to the Roscommon team and our club reps as they play Galway in the FBD League Connacht Final on Sunday 29th.Congratulations to the Roscommon U21 team and club rep Mikey Cox who are through to the Hastings Cup Shield Final against Westmeath following their win over Offaly on Sat afternoon last.

Best of luck to the Roscommon Intermediate Ladies and our club reps who begin their National League campaign against Offaly next Sunday.


Cards: Are held every Tuesday night in the clubhouse. Results from last week; first Jim/ Kitty

second place M. Finan/ M. Rogers, last game Pat/Mick

Lotto: The team in charge for next two weeks are; Ursula Kilcoyne, Nicola Byrne and Eamon Gallagher.

Condolences: The club would like to express their sympathy to Liam and Mairéad Bolger on the death of Mairead’s mother Margaret Markey, Madabawn, Co. Cavan. May she rest in peace.





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