Lanesboro Ballyleague notes Monday 17th October 2016

Lanesboro Ballyleague




On Friday night last the Parish Hall was full to overflowing for a function to mark the retirement of John L Farrell, Rathcline.

John, 24 years ago took up the mantle as supervisor to the local FÁS scheme with Lanesboro Tourism Co-Op. During his time, he has fashioned many important changes in our community. He was at the head of everything that was good and great in our community. We can all see the many changes for the better in Lanesboro and you can rest assured that John L’s handprint will be seen all over it. Such was the mark that he left in the community that there were representatives of all different groups making presentations to him and in their addresses were very complimentary of all the work he had done. In recent times Killashee, Clondra and Tarmonbarry were added to his area and all were there on Friday in support of all the work he supervised in their areas.

This community will miss him as a friend and tireless worker. He is a man with great clarity of thought as to what would be good or not so good for a particular project. He had a wonderful way of achieving his aims and a particular way of inveigling something that he seen would be of benefit for his ongoing project.

John L will be sadly missed by everyone in the community for whom he did so much work. He will be especially missed by this writer for the many impromptu conversations as he called in so many times each week. He was very supportive of all clubs and associations and helped them wherever he could and they turned out in numbers to mark his retirement and make their presentations to him.

The turnout was a fitting acknowledgement to the great work done over the past 24 years.

We wish John a long and happy retirement to be spent with his wife Geraldine, his sons Sean and Brian and daughter Aoife and his growing family of grandchildren and thank him once again for his terrific work.

New FÁS Supervisor

Sean Moran has been appointed as the new FÁS supervisor replacing John L. Sean is a local lad from one of our oldest and widely respected families in the parish of Rathcline and we are quite certain that he will embrace the challenge in front of him and further drive it on to even greater heights. Sean is son of Peggy and the late Phonsie Moran, Ballyleague.

We wish Sean well in his endeavours and ensure him of our full support.

Lough Ree Golfing Society

The society enjoyed an exquisite outing to Strokestown Golf Club on Friday last the 14th of October. The sun shone, the course conditions were excellent and there were some very good scores.

The first prize was won by Timmy Glynn with a very good 38 points. Timmy just pipped our captain Ronan Cullen who came second on 37 points. Third was John Martin with 36, 4th with a great score of 35 points went to Joe McGrath and 5th was Frank Conmy on 33 points. The remaining prizes were won by: Austin Trappe, Jackie McDonnell, Peter Day, Mick Healy, Mick Brennan, Tony Gavigan, Bernie Taylor and Eamon Burke.  Well done to all.

Thanks to Ronan and Margaret for organising lovely soup and sandwiches for everybody afterwards.
After the food and prize giving the AGM was held.  Before the meeting commenced a vote of sympathy was offered to John James O’Shea on the death of his dear sister Hannah Clyne, to Timmy Glynn on the death of his brother in law, Brother Michael Burke OSF, and to Sheena and Donnchadh Mac Aodh on the sad and sudden death of their beloved granddaughter Shauna.  Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha dílse.
The 23rd AGM of the society, showed the success of the society throughout 2016. Following the Captain’s, Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports the new committee for 2017 was elected as follows:

Captain: Jackie McDonnell, Secretary: Ronan Cullen, Treasurer: Michael Brennan, Assistant Treasurer: Joe McGrath, committee member: Brendan Whitty.

Thanks was expressed to the outgoing committee for all their efforts and best wishes is extended to the new committee. We all look forward to many more enjoyable days with this wonderful society.


The following item below is very important and if you have family and friends living in Dublin and the three surrounding counties will you inform them of this event and encourage them to come along and be part of the evening

Longford County Council, in association with Cavan, Leitrim and Roscommon County Councils, Bord na Mona and ESB, is hosting an expo and seminar in Croke Park on Thursday 3rd November. This unique event will bring together successful businesses from across the Upper Shannon Erne region to tell their story and spread the message that the region is open for business. It will provide an opportunity to promote Longford and highlight why it is an ideal location to set up business, invest and visit.  Our target audience is the diaspora living and working in Dublin, Meath, Wicklow and Kildare.

Who may be interested in attending –

  • Dublin, Meath, Wicklow and Kildare based diaspora
  • Investors and corporates
  • Businesses locating at diversifying, expanding or relocating
  • Recruitment companies or businesses looking to recruit
  • People looking for job opportunities or new business setups
  • Tourists and tour operators
  • Event organisers

For further information and to find out how to attend, please visit the Facebook page/event below: Facebook page:

Facebook event:

Lough Ree 2000 Bridge Club

The Lough Ree 2000 Club reopened on September and the following are the results: 19th September

N/S: Gross and Nett 1st Loretta Cooney and Katharine Harrison, 2nd Mai Casey and Margaret Gillen and 3rd Joan Donlon and Fergal McGuinness. E/W: Gross and Nett 1st Carol Hamill and Ann Hagan, 2nd Goretti Kenny and Mary Jameson and 3rd Kathleen Hanley and Mary Fallon. Monday 26th Howell Movement: 1st Philomena Walsh and Noreen Dunne, 2nd tie between Goretti Kenny and Mary Jameson and Una Clarke and Maureen Hynes and 4th Tom Feeney and Phil Chalmers. Gross winners were J.J. Donlon and Margaret Gillen.

Monday 3rd October N/S: Gross: 1st Fiona Gillen and Essie Nugent, 2nd Margaret Gillen and Mai Casey and 3rd Joan Browne and Patricia McGann, 3rd Nett: Una Clarke and Maureen Hynes

E/W: Gross 1st Mary Jameson and Goretti Kenny, 2nd Tom Feeney and Phil Chalmers and 3rd Kathleen Hanley and Mike Flynn, Nett 1st Mary Jameson and Goretti Kenny, 2nd Kathleen Hanley and Mike Flynn and 3rd Melissa and Michael

The No Blame competition was held last Monday.


Many congratulations to Michelle and Edward Kelly, Rathcline Road on the birth last week of a baby girl.

Badminton Club

Lanesboro/Ballyleague Badminton Club are holding their AGM on Thursday 20th October at 8pm in St. Mary Hall in Lanesboro and all members are asked to please attend. On Tuesday night 25th October at 9pm in St. Marys Hall in Lanesboro we are holding the first of our three open nights for new members. We would like to welcome back members and invite new members for the upcoming season so please come along and find out more.

Lough Ree Sub Aqua

Congratulations to Gerry, John, Nicolette and Herbert on passing their Club Diver Tests with flying colours in Achill recently.

Church gate collections are in progress at the moment, we would earnestly ask for your support.

The Try-A-Dive continues for the next few Thursday nights in The Mall Complex in Longford.  It starts at 9.00pm and all you need to bring is a swimsuit, all other equipment is provided on the night. Everyone is welcome.  This is your chance to experience scuba.  See you there!!

Thank You

The Lough Ree Sub Aqua club would like to thank everyone for their very generous support at all masses last weekend. The sum contributed amounted to €681.

Community College going great

Lanesboro Community College has got their sporting season off to a flying start with the senior footballers qualifying for a Leinster Final. The ladies U16 played 3, won 2 and drawn 1, they are in prime position to qualify for the Leinster Final but it is contingent on the results of other games. Let’s hope that the results will go their way.

Making a Will

Co. Longford, Citizens Information Service, A public information evening entitled “Making a Will Won’t Kill You” will be held in The Family Centre on Wednesday the 19th October at 8pm. It is free of charge and all are welcome.

For more information, please contact: Co. Longford Citizens Information Service Tel: 0761 07 5890

Whist Drive

The usual Whist Drive season will now commence on Friday night 4th November in St. Mary’s Hall. The committee is looking forward to meeting all their usual patrons and many new players for the November beginning.

Brick building Lego Workshop

A workshop will take place in St. Mary’s Parish Hall on Saturday 22nd October from 11 to 1pm. The cost is €15 per child and for information you should phone 086-1700215


On Monday 10th October last the 50/50 draw took place in the Clarke’s Bar. The very winner of the €416 prize was Tomás Rhatigan, c/o The Yacht Bar. As you will have noticed over the past number of weeks the jackpot has remained over the €400 mark and this is solely due to your support. With the run up to Christmas €400 is a fine amount to receive and encourage everyone to keep playing and hopefully you will be one of the lucky winners. The blue envelopes are on sale locally at local shops and from club members and they cost only €2 each. Alternatively, you can opt for the pink envelope for €100 and that has you in the draw for 52 weeks. The club really appreciates your mighty support each week.

Warmer Homes & Care and Repair Programmes

A reminder to give Longford Warmer Homes Ltd a call to see if you are eligible for FREE Attic & Cavity insulation! LWH’s also carries out work for the elderly as part of the Care & Repair Programme: Please Call 043 3393255

Lanesboro Bridge Club

The results of the competition held on Wednesday 12th October are; N/S 1st Bernadette Clancy and Mary Mc Gushin, 2nd Mary Jameson and Mike Flynn and 3rd Phil Chalmers and Cyril Hussey. E/W 1st Katharine Harrison and Philomena Walsh, 2nd Maura Hanly and Mairéad Gill and 3rd Mona O’Flaherty and Bernadette Gillen.

Church Gate Collection

Midlands Simon Community are holding their annual Church Gate Collection on Saturday and Sunday 22nd and 23rd October. All support would be greatly appreciated.

Rathcline GAA

New Regulations for GAA Coaching

This is a hugely important course due to the fact that all adult club teams MUST have an Award 1 coach involved since the start of 2016 and by the start of 2018 all adult Club Head Coaches/Managers MUST be award 1 qualified so we believe that this course will attract a lot of interest and we expect it to fill up quickly
Award 1 Youth/Adult

This course is aimed at coaches of teams from U13 up to and including adults and coaches wishing to attend must hold the Foundation Award for at least the last 12 months. This course will run over 3 Saturdays (10 – 3:30) and 2 Friday nights (7 – 9:30) in November and all sessions MUST be attended in order to complete the course and receive your award. Lunch will be provided on the Saturdays.

Places are available on a first come first served bases (provided the above Foundation requirement is met) and limited to 24 in total.

Please contact the office 043 3345 219 to book your place and to pay the early bird booking fee of €80 (available until October 28th).

If payment is not made by this date the standard cost of €100 will apply and this must be paid in advance of the first session

Cheques made payable to Longford GAA please and posted to Damien Sheridan GAA Office Pearse Park Battery Road Longford or cash/cheques can be dropped in to the office Mon – Fri 10 – 5:30.

All those wishing to book must supply the following details: Name: Club: DOB: Postal Address: Email Address: Year Foundation Completed: Venue Foundation Completed: Mobile number:

The schedule is Saturday 12/11/16 St. Mel’s College Sports Hall 10 – 4pm; Friday 18/11/16 St. Mel’s College Sports Hall 7 – 9:30pm; Saturday 19/11/16 St. Mel’s College Sports Hall 10 – 4pm; Friday 25/11/16 St. Mel’s College Sports Hall 7 – 9:30pm

Saturday 26/11/16 St. Mel’s College Sports Hall 10 – 4pm

The topics to be covered are: Introduction, Communication & The Role of The Coach; Technical Proficiency; Tactical Prowess/Decision Making; Team Play & Tactical Ploys; Physical Fitness: Components & Principles Youths; Physical Fitness: Components & Principles Adults; Playing Facts & Psychological Focus; Lifestyle, Planning & Conclusion.

Please reply/call in with your completed application form and payment to reserve your place, many thanks Damien.

Damien Sheridan, Games Development Administrator Longford GAA. 087 912 6556

Hard Luck to our U21 team who went down to the Cashel/Killashee amalgamation in the first game of the U21 Championship. The next round will take place on October Bank Holiday weekend when they take on Mullinalaghta.

The senior and minor club would like to wish John L Farrell a long and very happy retirement. The club would like to thank him for his great work over the last 24 years.

AGM The Rathcline AGM will take place in the clubhouse on Sunday 27th November.

The annual New Year draw tickets will be on sale very soon and the club encourages everyone to support. The draw will take place in Clarke’s Bar on Sunday 1st January 2017.

On Monday 10th October last the 50/50 draw took place in the Clarke’s Bar. The very winner of the €416 prize was Tomás Rhatigan, c/o The Yacht Bar. As you will have noticed over the past number of weeks the jackpot has remained over the €400 mark and this is solely due to your support. With the run up to Christmas €400 is a fine amount to receive and encourage everyone to keep playing and hopefully you will be one of the lucky winners. The blue envelopes are on sale locally at local shops and from club members and they cost only €2 each. Alternatively, you can opt for the pink envelope for €100 and that has you in the draw for 52 weeks. The club really appreciates your mighty support each week.

Social Dancing

A new weekly social dancing event is starting at St Mary’s parish hall beside the bridge in Lanesborough on Sunday October 23rd at 5pm and will continue every Sunday until March. Dancing is from 5pm to 8pm with all your old favourites and some new ones too.  Please come along and support this weekly event

Burlington Reunion

Burlington Sportswear/ Atlantic Mills Employee Reunion Friday January 20th 2017 (Venue will depend on numbers attending) Atlantic Mills Ltd, the dyeing and finishing operation for denim fabric, was located in Fisherstown, Clondra, Co. Longford. Formerly known as Burlington Sportswear Fabrics Ltd. the facility was built on a green field site in 1977 and production commenced in 1979. The company employed approximately 300 people and operated on a 24-hour day 7 days per week basis. Over 1500 people from counties Longford, Leitrim, Roscommon and beyond were employed over its twenty-year history before it closed its doors for the last time in 1999.

Last month a new Facebook Page “Burlington/Atlantic Mills Reunion” was created by Angela Boland and Fr. Sean Kelly, OFM, Cap both former employees. It’s almost 18 years since the factory closed and sadly quite a few of those former employees have passed on to their heavenly reward. This reunion will also be an opportunity for us to remember them and give thanks for the friendships forged. The night of 20th January promises to be a night of fun with events pitting former departments against each other in quizzes and challenges as well as opportunities for some to revisit their weaving skills. As many former employees are not on Facebook we want to reach out to them and hope that by reading this they will make contact with Angela or Fr. Sean to confirm their attendance at this gathering. Contact: Angela Boland at 086 1963567, Fr Sean Kelly: 087 0550584 before 6th November to book your place

Lough Ree Angling Hub Celebrates

The Lough Ree Angling Hub wish to extend sincere thanks to each and every person who helped in any way to make the recent World Fishing Championships and the Taste of the Lakelands food festival events such an outstanding success. The attendance at the festival between the opening parade on Thursday October 6th and the closing ceremony Sunday October 9th was extraordinary. An estimated 6000 people visited our town on the Saturday alone and anglers from 17 countries were simply blown away by the hospitality and the facilities on offer. The success of the festival is down to the combined efforts of over 60 people who worked in a voluntary capacity with a small local committee to help ensure everything rang smoothly. Letters of thanks will be going out this week to all individuals and groups who helped in any way.

The success of the festival presents a new and very significant challenge to the people of Lanesborough and Ballyleague and the wider Lough Ree area. It has been proven beyond any doubt that we can stage a world championship fishing competition of the highest calibre and the feedback after the food festival is proof that the producers and the state agencies have the highest confidence in our ability to organise the finest showcase for good food seen anywhere in this part of the country.

The future now presents both the opportunity to replicate these successes and the challenge to go even further by welcoming even more national and International visitors to our town at bigger and even better events in the coming year.

The Angling hub and food festival committees cannot do this on their own and in the coming weeks they will carry out a series of de-briefing events and meetings with traders, county councils, agencies and funders to discuss where improvements can be made if there are future events.

The organisers welcome all input at this stage and would like to invite all local traders, business owners, shopkeepers, publicans, food producers and everyone in the town and nearby area with an interest in the future organisation of these type of events to a public meeting in St Mary’s Parish hall beside the bridge on Thursday 27th of October at 8.30pm. The meeting will review the festival feedback and plan for the future. The turnout of local traders and others will really dictate where we go from here so please come along.

In the meantime, if you have any queries or suggestions please e mail: or speak to Alan Farrell, Yacht Bar.







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