Lanesboro Ballyleague Notes Monday 15th August 2016


Lanesboro Ballyleague


Congratulations Sharon

Many congratulations to Sharon Brady, Rathcline Road, who won the Lanesboro Tourism Co-Op jackpot on Tuesday last of €15,000. The draw has been at its uppermost amount for a long time and it was wonderful to see our local lady winning the money.

Good Luck to our Rose Caroline

This will be a very special week in the life of one of our local ladies when later in the week Caroline Doyle, Church View, will take the famous stage of the Dome at the Rose of Tralee Festival. Caroline, the Longford Rose, will take part in the qualifying round and we wish her the very best of luck as she attempts to make it to the televised show next week.

Caroline got a great send off from her neighbours and friends in Church last weekend. She is a talented vivacious young lady and we have no doubt that she will be a credit to her family, her community, her county of Longford and the Rose committee in Longford.

We look forward to welcoming her back home as the Rose of Tralee.

Striving for Athletic Notoriety

Next weekend the Olympics will be in second place to our interests as three of the young girls from the parish will strive for All-Ireland glory in the Community Games Finals in Athlone. Athletics has always held a great interest in our community and many times the Lough Ree Athletic club has gone away to major events and came home with All-Ireland glory. The club never pressurise their athletes, they train them to compete to the best of their ability and if that is good enough then we will all celebrate their great successes.

This coming weekend Lough Ree Athletic club members Viktoria Jedrych, Vicki Kajan and Aoife Nolan will take part in the Community Games Track and Field finals representing Longford. We would like to wish the three girls the very best of luck, we are sure they will do themselves proud and we are already proud of their achievements in reaching the finals.

Local Artistic Talent to the Fore

The local Brushstrokes art group will hold the Brushstrokes Summer Festival Exhibition in conjunction with the Lough Ree Summer Festival in Adie Farrell’s premises (next to Gala, Main Street) from Friday next 19th August until Sunday 21st August. There will be a lot of excellent work by this very talented local art group. Drop in and have a browse—there are works at prices to suit all budgets and they make an ideal, locally-made gift or souvenir.

Macra is the way to Go

If you are young person in the area and feel you are stifled by the lack of an active and enthusiastic club in the area. Your prayers are just about to be answered. Macra is currently looking for young people to join a new Macra club, Macra is a non-profit organisation for young people 17-35, it has 6 key activities such as Agriculture, Sports, Performing Arts, Travel, Public Speaking and Community Involvement. You don’t need to be a farmer, farmerette or even from a farming background to join. The club is open to everyone within its age group and it is one of the best and actively aware clubs in the country.

Contact can be made by contacting Diarmaid on 086 8612750 or by contacting the Longford Macra na Feirme Facebook page.

Community Games Gold Medal

Last weekend young Mikey O’Brien son of Mike and Monica O’Brien, Coolshaughtana won the gold medal for handwriting. Mikey represented the parish of Kilgefin and Roscommon Community Games and is a pupil at Ballyleague N.S.

In these notes Ballyleague Village Renewal have a fine piece on Mikey’s achievement that I can add noting to and I would invite you to read it.

Environmental Awareness day and Bioblitz

The day we have all been waiting for is nearly upon us. In conjunction with Bord na Mona, the National Heritage Week and Corlea Interpretive Centre there is a magnificent day of events planned to take place at the Interpretive Centre in Corlea on Saturday 27th August.

As you will see below there is something there for everyone and it is a very rare opportunity to be involved in so much in our own area. There is no doubt that this is a programme not to be missed and it is a programme that there should be a huge turnout from the area. It is interesting, informative and it is laden down with knowledge of the environment and biodiversity in our own area. For children of all ages this is a must and it will be a huge eye opener to all that is happening ROUD US.

The day’s schedule commences at 2pm with ‘Mammals on the bog – opening the traps with David Fallon.

At 2.30pm the Corlea guides will show how to build a bug hotel.

At 3pm a general walk with some pond dipping and creepy crawlies with Parks and Wildlife Service Conservation Ranger Sue Moles.

At 4pm Erin Tiedeken from the National Biodiversity and Data Centre will speak on Pollinators.

At 5pm A Boggy Wildlife walk will take place with Dr. Fiona MacGowan from the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland.

At 5.40 the Corlea Guides will return, this time showing us how to build a bug hotel.

At 6pm David Fallon and Mark mc Corry part of the Bord na Mona Ecology team will lead a walk around the bog and speaking on Peatland Rehabilitation.

At 7pm in the Corlea Interpretive Centre there will be a talk form Alan Lauder from the Golden Eagle Trust on – a Mid-Shannon Wilderness Park – a project for wildlife and people.

The day’s events will come to a close when Áine Fenner will hold an interesting ‘Walk and Talk’ on Bats.

If you or your group would be interested in helping run one of the events on the day, please let David Fallon know. Contact David Fallon: phone; 087 9711658 or 057 9345993.

Care Workers Required

The Co Roscommon Disability Support Group is a HSE funded service, requires part time care workers to work with older persons and or people with disabilities. Flexible options available and competitive hourly rates paid.

There are vacancies on Community Employment Scheme for carers, support workers and clerical.

Please send your CV to or Derrane Resource Centre, Roscommon.

Phone 090 6625852 for further information.

Lough Ree Monster 10k Race

A date for your diary and only 7 weeks away. The Lough Ree Monster group will hold a 10k and 4mile Road race on Sunday 2nd October. The group looks forward to all local runners and their running club members and friends taking part.

Outdoor Recreation and Fitness & Health courses

Lanesboro Community College is providing two courses – Outdoor Recreation and Fitness & Health beginning in September.  Awards are accredited by QQI National Framework of Qualifications (formally FETAC).   Enrolment is now open by contacting   or phone Lanesboro Community College 043 33 21139.

Kevin Bell Repatriation

When former local resident Padraig Gaffney died tragically in Australia there was a great weight put on his family as to the cost of repatriating his remains to Ireland.

The magnificent Kevin Bell Trust stepped in and helped out the family greatly and as a gesture to the Kevin Bell Trust the Gaffney family are hosting a Benefit Dance in the Mc William Park Hotel, Claremorris on Sunday 21st August with music supplied by Martin Rooney. Dancing will take place from 9.30pm to midnight.

Kevin Bell Trust is there for anyone that befalls death abroad and it helps to repatriated deceased loved ones with their grief stricken families. A contribution to the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust is one of the very best things you can do. If you wish to buy a ticket for the night or make a contribution you can do so by contacting Kathleen Farrell, Carrowstrawley or Rita Greene, Rathcline. Tickets are priced at only €10 and for your contribution you can be sure it will repatriate someone who have been unfortunate enough to have passed away abroad.

National Heritage Week in Longford

This is the programme of events for this year’s National Heritage Week here in Co. Longford. As ever there are a range of events taking place throughout the county between Saturday the 20th and Sunday 28th August. Highlights include the County Longford Historical Society’s 1916 Conference, which takes place in the Longford Arms Hotel on Saturday 20th August. Everyone is encouraged to go out to Corlea Trackway Visitor Centre on Friday 26th August for a seminar on the Táin Bó Cualaigne – the organisers especially want to hear from Longford people about any old traditions of where Queen Maeve and her armies were in the county, in the form of ancient tracks, bogs, campsites etc. As you know Queen Maeve met her demise in the county at Lough Ree.

The Lough Ree Environmental Summer School coincides with National Heritage Week, and they have a great programme of events lined up.

Also taking place in Corlea is an environmental day and Bio Blitz organised by Bord na Móna on Saturday 27th. They want to help record every species in the bog surrounding the site. This will run from about 2pm until late for a bat-walk and children are especially welcome. There are a number of other events in Ballymahon that day, including an environmental family evening at Brannigan Harbour outside Ballymahon, with lots of activities for young and old.

At Longford Library there is a number of activities centred around a one-day exhibition on Irish volunteers memorabilia from the period 1913-1922.

To find out the full details of all the events, please keep an eye out on this link: which will be continually updated as more information becomes available.

Also taking place at this time, but not included within the programme is “Mow Pat Murphy’s Meadow”, taking place at Ballyduffy, Moyne, organised by Michael Masterson, which is always a very enjoyable event.

Also taking place from the 19th to the 22nd August is the Marquee in Drumlish music festival, which is the sister event to the Ballinamuck Fair Day (21st August), and boasts a great line-up of acts including The Stunning.

Lough Ree Monster Festival Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 31st August and we would like to invite you to come along to Clarke’s Bar for a 9pm start. We would encourage those interested from the Lanesboro, Ballyleague and the parish of Kilgefin, Cashel and Killashee to come along and help create a very special event on the banks of the Shannon from Thursday 3rdto Monday 8th August 2017.

Lough Ree Environmental Summer School

The Lough Ree Environmental Summer Festival takes place 19th, 20th and 21st August 2016. Brochures listing the full array of events are available in all local shops so just pick one up and come along to your chosen events.

The Festival will be officially launched in the Library on Friday evening at 7:30pm where a 1916 Exhibition will be on display.  There will be historic readings as well as music.  Refreshments will be served.

On Saturday events include a walk up Sliabh Ban, fishing for children as well as bushcraft, a trip to Corlea Bog, knitting and crochet workshop as well as a herbalist workshop.

On Sunday the annual Environmental Mass will be at 11:30am followed by the opening of the 1916 Garden.  A family day will be held by the banks of the Shannon in conjunction with Longford Harvest Festival where harvesting will also take place.  There will be entertainment including music, bouncing castles, bbq and boat trips will be offered.  There will also be a

raft race on the Shannon.


Have you considered coming home from abroad or even from other parts of the country for the Lough Ree Monster Festival 3rd to 7th August 2017? The committee is beginning to draw up a database of everyone interested. If you are interested, please express your interest as we will be seeking to set up an accommodation database to cater for everyone that want to come home and share in our festivities. In the next few days on the Lough Ree Monster Festival Facebook page and we will be opening designated pages for you. We can organise a special welcome for you all if we have the knowledge of your interest in travelling to be with us.

Lanesboro Library this Week

Summer Opening Hours are as follows:  Monday 2-8pm, Tuesday 2-6pm, Wednesday 10am-1pm 2-5pm, Thursday-Closed, Friday 10am-1pm 2-5pm, Saturday 10am-1pm.

Call 0433321291 for enquiries.

Storytime with Frances

Every Wednesday morning at 11am for the month of August, there will be a story time in Lanesboro Library for children aged 3-8.  Places limited so please contact library to book a place on 043 332 1291.

Launch of Longford 1916 – Lanesboro

Lanesboro Library and Lough Ree Environmental Summer School will launch an Exhibition: Longford and Lanesboro in 1916 on Friday 19th August at 7pm, with special guests Richard Belton and Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran, T.D. All welcome.

Online Services at your Library

Did you know that you can now download free digital magazines with your library card and pin? Newest edition of Hello magazine now available.

ProQuest Online Newspaper service is also available.

Learn a new language online with Mango Connect service.  Over 71 languages available.

Universal Class offers a unique online education experience. There are over 400 courses available.

Our new eBooks and eAudio Books service is now available using the Borrowbox App.  Gain access to thousands of books!

Visit to register, get the BORROWBOX APP to gain access to thousands of books. All you need is your library card number and your pin. If you do not have a PIN please contact your library desk where you will be issued with one.

Library membership is free so why not join and make use of all of the online services which are now available?

Lough Ree Golfing Society

Our Captain, Ronan Cullen’s Prize Day is in Moate Golf Club on Friday the 26th of August.

The tee is booked from 11.30 to 12.30. As usual text 0879730611 to book your place on time sheet and arrive at least a half an hour before the first tee time. We are all looking forward to a big attendance, good weather and another enjoyable day’s golf.

Excellent EDI Centre Courses

Pre-Apprenticeship Programme

The EDI Centre, Longford will be running a QQI Accredited Level 4 Pre-Apprenticeship Programme/Engineering Skills commencing in September 2016 for the unemployed.

This course will prepare candidates for their entry level apprenticeship.

The modules included in this course are: Milling & Turning, Technical Drawing, Workplace Safety, Work Experience, Communications, Mathematics, Information Technology and Team Working

This is a full time course which runs Monday to Friday.

Catering/Life Skills Programme

The EDI Centre, Longford will be running a QQI Accredited Level 4 Catering/Life Skills Programme commencing in August 2016 for the unemployed.

The modules included in this course are: Short Oder Cooking, Kitchen Skills, Handling Food Hygienically, Meal Service, Personal Effectiveness, Customer Service, Information Technology Skills, Communications, Work Experience

This is a full time course which is ran over 40 weeks, Monday to Friday.

Level 5 Occupational First Aid course

There will be a 3-day Level 5 Occupational First Aid course being held at the EDI Centre, Longford.

This Course is FREE for anyone currently on the Live Register.

There is a limit of 16 places and application forms are available at the EDI Centre.

Should you require any further information, you can contact the EDI Centre on 04333-47515

Adult Choral Workshops

If you are interested in singing and would like to take part in Adult Choral Workshops, then you are invited to one of the two workshops taking place in Roscommon and Ballymahon. The first workshop will be on Tuesday August 23rd in The Quad Youth Centre, Circular Road, Roscommon Town from 8.00 to 9.30pm

The second night will take place on Thursday August 25th in the Dean Egan Library, Main Street, Ballymahon from 8.00 until 9.30pm

The workshops will under Conductor, Derek Mahady. To book a place you are invited to telephone 086 3052204

QQI Level 5 courses in Animal Care and Nursing Studies

Ardscoil Phádraig in Granard is currently enrolling students for QQI Level 5 courses in Animal Care and Nursing Studies. These QQI Level 5 courses are suitable for both school leavers and mature students who wish to return to education and gain new skills or employment. They also provide links to certain courses in Universities and Institutes of Technology and can be worth up to 400 points. Please contact the school on 043 6686209 or email for further details

Last week the 50/50 draw took place on Monday night. The draw took place in Clarkes Bar where the winning blue envelope was drawn and the lucky name on it was Gerard Mc Carthy, Curragh Rua Gerard was the winner of won €358. The club thanks you for your support and encourages everyone to support the draw weekly. The weekly blue 50/50 envelopes are on sale locally throughout the town for €2 alternatively, you can purchase a pink ticket that allows you into the draw for 1 year for a price of €100.

One Day Retreat to Lough Derg

The annual one-day retreat to Lough Derg will take place on Sunday fortnight 4th September. The bus will leave from Lanesboro Parish Hall at 7am. For information and bookings, you can contact Mary Doyle on 3321969.

Defibrillator Group Church Gate Collection

The Defibrillator group will hold their annual Church Gate Collection on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st August at all Masses. This collection will go towards the purchasing of new defibrillators, replacement batteries and essential pads. Your usual generous support will be greatly appreciated.

We all appreciate the great voluntary work done by the facilitators. The training is provided free and the facilitators continue to develop areas for the placing of new automated external defibrillators (AED’s) and the replacement of batteries.

Exciting opportunities at Compass Club

Compass Club by Coillte is a unique fun activity, which gives kids a secure and supervised adventure experience in great Irish forests, developing themselves and learning outdoor life skills in a fun way with other children. This is done through 1) After School Adventure courses, 2) Summer & Easter Camps, 3) School Tours, 4) Custom events for schools and other groups (such as County Councils, Preschools, Scouts, etc.)

Compass Club is all about giving kids awesome experiences in nature. As we see it, the great outdoors is the world’s best playground and through our fun, feel good activities, kids will make a host of new friends while rediscovering how exciting nature can be. From building shelters and toasting perfect marshmallows, to navigating trails and finding treasure, at Compass Club they’ll develop new skills and self-confidence, and may even end up teaching you a thing or two about the world around you. Compass Club is proudly brought to you by Coillte. With almost 3 years of research, development, tests, lots of fun (and a sprinkling of magic dust), Coillte working with leading experts in outdoor activity and with Godsil Education (experts in Strengths Based Education) officially launched the Compass Club in 2016.

The following are the After School courses in our area are Monday 19th September in Mote Park, Roscommon and Wednesday 21st September in Newcastle Wood, Ballymahon, Co. Longford. The courses will run for 6 weeks, 1 day per week from 3.45 to 5.45

The best ways to contact us are email us, Facebook message or DM us on twitter

We enjoy a chat too, so talk to us if you need to talk to one of us – we’re available at …. office: 01 9055090   087 7097016 / 086 8335728

Boats and Engines Wanted

The use of 30 locally based lake boats is required to host the World Predator Boat championships here in Ballyleague and Lanesborough between Wednesday October 5th and Sunday October 9th this year. The owners of the boats will be paid 100 euro per day for each boat on each of the 4 days for bringing out 2 fishermen from each of the 15 countries from around the world who will be attending. That’s 400 euro for your 4 days boat hire. Some boat owners will just have to supply the boat and the engine and no skipper. One of the regulations of the world championship is that ONLY engines of 10HP and more can be used and there is a severe shortage of engines of this horse power in the local area at the moment. If you have a lake boat with a 10HP engine, please contact Liam Sweeney in the Lough Ree Angling hub office at 085 1698032 or e mail: as soon as possible. It is important to note that the insurance cover for the four days will be paid by the organisers of the world championship so the owner need have no concern there. The angling hub has already compiled a list of 15 boats for hire to date but another 15 are now needed. It would be a pity if we had to bring in boats from Enniskillen and elsewhere for to stage the world championship on Lough Ree so please consider this offer for your €400 boat hire. Thank you.

Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club

Bank Holiday Monday saw two of our boats on the Shannon along with the local canoe club as a backup to over sixty swimmers from the triathlon club in their annual charity swim. As always a very well organised event leaving us with little do except enjoy the rare sunshine.
The following weekend ten divers and two boats made the long trip to Innis Boffin.  With fine weather on Thursday and Friday five dives were recorded along with one-night dive.  Excellent visibility made it a great weekend. Many thanks to Aidan for doing coxswain and to the Roscommon club for the use of their compressor. High winds on Saturday ruled out any further dives but all in all a good weekend’s diving.
Training on Thursday was in Lough Owel for the club diver and rescue diver regional exams which take place in October.
A family day at the club house is planned for 21st August in conjunction with the Harvest Festival Committee.  More next week.
Two teams supported the local Tennis Club’s quiz night last week.  An enjoyable night and one of our teams took first place

Ballyleague Village Renewal

Gold medal honour for Ballyleague school boy

A young Ballyleague school boy is the pride of his parish and the county of Roscommon this week after writing his way into the history books with Gold medal honours from the National Community Games finals in Athlone at the weekend.

Michael O’Brien, from Coolshaughtana, Weekfield in Ballyleague, emerged victorious in the Under 12 category for his handwriting skills at the finals – while representing Kilgefin Community Games – defeating stiff opposition from Wexford, Longford and Offaly opponents in what is, traditionally, one of the most competitive competitions on the national stage of Community Games.

Michael, better known to his friends and family as Mikey, is a son of Michael and Monica O’Brien of Coolshaughtana and is a pupil of Ballyleague National School where his principal teacher Annette Regan has paid glowing tribute to him.

“Mikey is a master craftsman in more ways than one” Annette said, “Mikey is also a talented Gaelic footballer and soccer player and doesn’t discriminate between the stroke of a pen and the touch of the ball when striving for the artistry of perfection. We in Ballyleague N S are extremely proud of Mikey’s fantastic achievement, having won the gold in a national competition.”

“We extend our healthiest congratulations to Mikey, to his brothers Cian and Eoin and to his parents Monica and Michael” Mrs Regan continued,” the O’Donovan’s of Skibereen, brought home silver but Mikey took care of the gold!”

Mikey has also been a very successful member of St Faithleach’s GAA club and Ballyboro soccer underage teams and played his part in the Junior Tidy towns initiative organised by Ballyleague Tidy Towns over the last few years.

“We congratulate Mikey on this tremendous national honour” James Hudson of Ballyleague tidy towns committee said, “this gold medal is a truly brilliant achievement by a young man who has already shown his all-round academic merit, skill and ability at such a young age. We wish him well and congratulate his parents and family.”

Ballyleague National School hope to organise a fitting celebration for their successful student at a later date alongside other parish celebrations.

Meeting invite

A meeting of all local shop and business owners and all the traders of Lanesborough & Ballyleague is taking place in St. Mary’s Hall beside the bridge this Wednesday next August 17th at 2.30pm to discuss an urban renewal Government-funded project for the town and the forthcoming fishing and food festival. All traders are invited to attend and have
their say. It is hoped all traders will play their part in helping to decorate the town for the forthcoming festivals. If you would like more information Telephone Alan Farrell, Yacht Bar please at 086 8697952.

Rathcline Ladies

Our U14 ladies played in the Summer League Final last week and although things did not go our way it was a great achievement for the girls to make it to the final. The learning process continues and there is no doubt that these young ladies will rise to the fore in the months and years ahead.

The senior ladies have qualified to meet Clonguish in the B Final on Tuesday next 23rd August. Good luck to the team and we look forward to a victory on Tuesday. At the time of writing neither the time nor venue has been fixed.

Mentioning Clonguish, the club would like to thank Clonguish for inviting our U12 girls to join with them on Saturday last. Fingallians, a team from North County Dublin travelled to play a selection from both sides in a friendly game and a selection from our girls and Clonguish played them in a very entertaining and novel game. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and the club would like to thank them for the opportunity to play in this game and also for their after match hospitality. Thank you to Tina Dowd, Christy Hopkins and Brian Mulvihill for looking after our side of things.

The club would like to thank everybody that entered the Last Man Standing competition.

Rathcline GAA

The club bowed out of the senior championship of 2016 when they played Mostrim in their final game of group. Unfortunately, our fate was already known and what faces us in 2017 is a return to Intermediate football. With the departure of so many players this year the weight of responsibility fell on the shoulders of young men. We must commend every player that made themselves available and thank them for their huge efforts.

The future from now until the commencement of competitions next year is the further development of our team and to make every effort to rebound too senior during 2017. We have very talented young players and when we look back at the some of their games during the year we see that it was only inexperience that cost us vital scores to win games. We surely have learned from the experience and that experience will stand to us as we go forward.

We have two final league games against Slashers and Mostrim to finish off our league and we would like to see the lads taking 4 points from these two games.


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