Lanesboro Tidy Towns

Issue April, 2014
Tidy Towns Newsletter
Lanesborough prepares for the 2014 National Tidy Towns competition
With your help and support Lanesborough is preparing for the 2014 competition. The application form will be
submitted by mid May and the judging is scheduled to take place in early June. In recent years, we have made
significant progress and with your assistance, we hope we can continue the improvements. Lanesborough’s
marks improved by 16 marks during 2013.This represented the highest percentage improvement in Co
Longford during 2013. For this improvement, Lanesborough was awarded, for the second year in a row, the
Endeavour Award for Co Longford and a cheque for 500 euros.
There are changes to the marking scheme for 2014 and as a committee, we have been working to these
new guidelines. The overall marks have increased and while some categories have remained the same,
others have been altered as follows
The markings in each of the judging categories for 2013 and 2014 are outlined in the Table.
2013 Competition 2014 Competition
Category Total Marks
Overall Development
50 Community Involvement and
Built Environment 50 Built Environment and
Landscaping 50 Landscaping and Open Spaces 50
Wildlife/Natural Amenities 50 Wildlife, Habitats and Natural
Litter Control 50 Tidiness and Litter Control 90
Tidiness 30 Sustainable Waste and
Resource Management
Sustainable Waste and
Resource Management
20 Residential Areas and Housing
Residential Areas 40 Approach Roads, Streets and
Roads, Streets, Back
General Impression 10
Total Marks 2013 400 Total Marks 2014 450
Issue April, 2014
Tidy Towns Newsletter
Lanesborough Tidy Towns launches its Five Year Tidy Towns Action Plan 2014-
2018 in St Mary’s Hall on Wednesday 07 May 2014 at 830pm
The aim of the Action Plan is to develop of programme of actions which can be delivered by our community
over the next five years. It will consist of three major areas which we will target over the period
Keep updated on what’s happening in Lanesborough Tidy Towns by using the
Click on website. Enter the url and click on Lanesborough Tidy
Towns. The web page will keep you up to date on the work programme, how you can help out with the
work and access information on recycling, biodiversity and sustainability
Helping Lanesborough to become greener-Register with
Green Home was developed as a framework to support and advise householders on ways to save money on
their household bills while protecting the environment. The programme focuses on the themes of waste,
energy, water and transport and extends the Green-Schools message beyond the school gates into the wider
community. The Green Home programme can be undertaken by an individual householder or as part of a
Other useful websites Local Authority Prevention Network -Lots of facts/tips/recipes, leaflets to download Irish Peatland Conservation Council-tips on composting etc
Join us on our weekly Clean up every Thursday from 8 to 9pm or contact the office if you would like to help
in any way. Your help will make a huge difference.
Lanesborough Tidy Towns Action Plan 2014 -2018
Action Plan
Heritage Action
Action Plan
Issue April, 2014
Tidy Towns Newsletter

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